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Gen 25, 2012, 7:16 pm

Cynthia Hand
Pages 1-100
It's senior year for Clara, but the only thing that really catches her attention is the fact that she failed at her purpose. You may ask, how did she do this? Well, in the forest fire during Summer vacation she decided to save Tucker first, instead of Christian; who was in her vision. This leap of action symbolizes that she trys to do as much good as possible; which in this case means to save 2 people. All over the school, strictly because Clara's hair isn't dyed anymore people are now talking about her strawberry blonde hair; which seems to glow. Even one of her female teachers tries to pet her hair. In my opinion, that's a bit peculiar. I mean, don't you think it would be weird if a teacher tried to pet your hair? Also, at the school this year Clara's marked as Tucker's property since they're officially boyfriend and girlfriend. "I might as well have the words 'property of Tucker' written in sharpie on my forehead, because everyone's giving me and Tucker these odd looks." This proves my claim that people see Clara as Tucker's property now. P: This fits into American History because many American heroes have had to first deal with failure before succeeding. E: Some moral concerns are that people would think that any boyfriend could actually own their girlfriend. "Even when I went to the bathroom I would hear people discussing me and Tucker in a way that implied Tucker's my owner." This quote proves that people indeed think, even though you can't own anyone like a slave anymore, that Tucker owns Clara. A: The theme I was able to gather was that growing up brings a lot of responsibilites. "Now that I'm almost an adult, my Mom expects me to figure more things out, and in this situation, she expects me to gradually find out what my purpose is alone." This proves that as a person ages, they get more responsibilities.

Gen 28, 2012, 9:39 am

Cynthia Hand
Pages 100-200
Angela, Clara's best friend, has all the angels from school (Clara, Jeffrey and Christian) come and meet her for a 'angel club meeting' at the Pink Garter. There, she tells them her theory about angels only living to be a 120 years old. By having all these theories and ideas of angels, this symbolizes that Angela is very curious, but also very smart at the same time. Realizing that this means that his Mom is going to die this year, Jeffrey becomes extremely angry; and tells Angela that her theories are worthless. "You're full of lies, you know that? All of your theories are worthless!". This shows Jeffrey's anger at Angela; which is only caused because of his protectiveness of his mother. And in my opinion, he has every right to be furious! Wouldn't you be just a little angry if someone just went around implying that your mother is going to die? I think that maybe Angela should consider practicing her interpersonal skills. Later, when Clara and Jeffrey come home, their mother confesses that she was going to tell them, but she just didn't have it in her to break their hearts. "I'm so sorry, I just didn't know how to tell you about my up coming death without it becoming too emotional". When their mother said this, it symbolizes that she has a strong sensitivety for her children's feelings. I think that she was wise to do this, because people when they're so young have so many things to deal with. P: This fits into American History because Clara's having to deal with major events in her life, just like other famous Americans. E: A moral concern is that Clara and Jeffrey's mother would keep secrets from her children. " There's some things that you'll have to find out on your own, I'm sorry" proves that Clara and Jeffrey's mother is willing to keep secrets from them. A: The theme is that you have to cherish the time you have with someone, because they could leave you unexpectedly.