What Happened to Cass McBride?

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What Happened to Cass McBride?

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Gen 8, 2012, 9:35 pm

What Happene to Cass McBride?
Gail Giles
A girl named Cass McBride is a very popular junior in high school, that only talks to the cool guys and doesn't want anything to do with the weird boys. One day she wrote a note that was meant to go to her bestfriend about a weird boy and it ended up in the hands of the boy. His name was David, and when David got the note from Cass he did not take it very well. The note read, "Dorky David Kirby asked me out. What made him think he could dare ask me? Can you imagine? How far down the food chain would he have to go for a date? God, I thought he was gay." David got so upset about this note that he killed himself. Cass didn't find out that he killed himself until the next day at school, when her friend Erica told her. When Erica told her about the tragedy Cass ran to the bathroom to throw up. David's brother Kyle must've read the note because he got mad, knew what Cass did to his brother and went after her. Kyle drugged Cass then kidnapped her. He put her in a crate with an air tube that could be opened and closed. If she wouldn't cooperate with him, then he would open the tube and poor dirt down it onto her face. There wasn't anything she could do about it either because it was not a very big crate. She was lying on her back, and couldn't move because it was such a little area. While Cass is underground, her father is doing everything he can to find her. He hired an investigater and got the police involved. The police are questioning friends, family, boyfriends, and anybody else that knew her to find out where she could have gone.

This book is a really good mystery and suspense book. It's sad that Kyle put Cass under ground but at the same time in my opinion i think that Cass needs that time to think about what she did. Before she was underground it didn't even seem like she cared that much about what she did, she just wanted the thought to leave her mind. She seems like the type of girl that is really self centered and always gets what she wants. If you live life thinking you can get away with anything and thinking you're the greatest you won't succeed or go very far in life. You will never have any friends either. But yet that is how a lot of high schoolers are. Self Centered, and they don't care about anybody but themselves.

Gen 16, 2012, 12:57 am

What Happened to Cass McBride?
Gail Giles
Kyle gets mad at Cass and bangs on her crate, which is underground, everytime she says something that he doesn't like or she doesn't answer his question. Kyle tells Cass all the home problems his brother David had. He told Cass that his brother used to always call him crying because his mom was being mean to him again. His mom made him feel bad all the time, and was constantly watching his every move. David was always depressed and it got so bad that he lost 15 pounds fast and was shy and timid. When the mom was in highschool she was always the popular girl that won homecoming and prom queen. When she got older she met their father, who was a doctor, and married him so that she could say she is a doctors wife. When she had Kyle, life was good. When she had David, her husband quit his job because it was too much with two kids. The mom blames David for her husband quitting, and blames him for wrecking her life. While Kyle is telling Cass about all of this, the detectives are still trying to find out where Cass is. When the detectives here about David killing himself not long before Cass dissapeared, they decided to question friends and family about whether Cass and David had any contact with eachother. Everyone told them no because they don't know about the note or David asking Cass out.

This book is a really good book for highschool students because it talks a lot about the drama that highschoolers go through with their parents, and the different groups of kids in school. It is sad to think that many kids commit suicide because of being bullied or not being 'cool'. Nobody should ever feel that way, and i really wonder what the boy in the story was thinking when he killed himself. It should never get that bad to the point you don't want to be alive. Many people around the world commit suicide to this day. It is a really sad thing.

Gen 28, 2012, 9:41 am

Can you relate to any of the characters?

Gen 30, 2012, 12:21 am

Yes, too Cass. I know what it is like to be mean to somebody. But everyone has been mean to somebody at least once in their life. It's not right to be mean to somebody, and it doesn't make me feel good, but i know that i have done it. It also didn't make it right for her to write that note, and put it under the desk in the classroom.

Feb 10, 2012, 1:27 pm

I agree i think this book does really show how much you can relate to school. I also think it is very sad when kids our age comit suicide. It is just so dreadfull and it will always stick with you even if you did not really know him or hang out with him.