What Happened to Cass McBride? By Gail Giles

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What Happened to Cass McBride? By Gail Giles

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Gen 8, 2012, 4:34 pm

Pages 1-105
Cass is your average high school teenager. She is popular, dates all the athletic stars, and is very dramatic. She won't date anybody lower than her, so when David comes along, she shoots him down nicely to his face, but writes a mean note that is supposed to be for her best friend but somehow ends up it the hands of David. David waits til he gets home to read it and when he does, it sends him over the edge. David ends up killing himself over the note. Nobody knew why he killed himself, except for Cass. She didn't hear about it til the next day at school when everyone was talking about it. When her best friend tells her about it, she runs into the bathroom and throws up because she knows it's her fault.
When she wakes up the next day, she realizes that it is rather dark. She feels around and she realizes that she is in a box. What she doesn't know right away is that she is buried in the ground in a box. David's brother, Kyle put her there because he knew exactly what she did to his little brother. He kidnapped Cass from her own bedroom and took her to a vacant building with a dirt floor and buried her in the ground. She had no food or water and barely enough air to survive. Kyle wanted Cass to suffer just like she made his brother suffer.
When the morning of Cass' disappearacne comes, her father is very worried. He gets the FBI and anyone else on the case to find his daugher. Nobody knows what could of happened to her at all. They had no idea that the death of David could tie in with the disappearance of Cass...

Gen 8, 2012, 9:41 pm

I'm reading this book to! (: I really like it, do you like it so far?

Modificato: Gen 10, 2012, 10:25 pm

Wow thats a dramatic start to this book, I wonder if she will escape the box that is buried in the ground? What would you do in this situation?

Gen 11, 2012, 3:32 pm

I like it so far(: do you??
And I'm not sure what I would do because I mean, that would be a very tough situation to be in and I wouldn't know what to do exactly.

Gen 15, 2012, 10:42 pm

Yes i really like it, it's hard to imagine ever being burried alive! I wouldn't even know what to do!