Water For Elephants

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Water For Elephants

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Gen 8, 2012, 1:24 pm

The book that i want to read is Water for elphants. I did not read a book this week because i forgot to check one out of the library. I thought i would talk about the book that i want to read. This book seems very interesting, because i have seen the movie, but that doesn't mean the movie is exactly like the book. Although the movie and the book arre probably similar because they have the same climax and plot. The movie is about the 1930's, back in the depression where a young man jions the circus because he lost everything in his life. While he is in the circus he finds this romance/crush for the woman. This woman is not just any woman it is the circus owners wife; the star attraction of the circus. In the more of the movie the circus owner kind of abuses and does appreciate the lady. So the young man runs away with her to keep her safe until they find her. At the end of the movie the circus owner tries to kill the star attraction at the circus until something saves her but what?

I think this movie is amazing and is probably quite like the book. The reason why i want to read this book is because the whole story about everything and every little event in the movie is so unusal but amazing. I would like to read the book and also know which one would be better as a story.

Gen 8, 2012, 3:51 pm

When I saw the previews for this movie, I thought it kind of looked stupid and it didn't interest me that much. Now that I read your post and what the movie is about, I think it actually sounds really good and it makes me want to watch the movie and read the book.

Gen 8, 2012, 9:40 pm

I agree with Danielle. I saw the commercial and wasn't interested either, but then all my friends started talking about how amazing the movie is, and now i really want to watch it and read the book!

Gen 12, 2012, 5:07 pm

Do you think that Robert Pattinson is a good actor for one of the main characters?

Gen 15, 2012, 12:47 pm

In this movie he really amazed me. The part that he played was very interesting and so heart touching. I thought he really pulled it off. He is just so different in this movie compared to his actual life or the twilight movies.