Gossip Girl

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Gossip Girl

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Gen 6, 2012, 3:43 pm

Cecily von Ziegesar

The book starts off on a Monday night at a girl named Eleanor's house. She has a daughter named Blair, who has a boyfriend named Nat. Nat is a popular athletic guy. Blair has always wanted the perfect life, and has been known as the "good girl." At the party, she is determinded to lose her virginity to Nat. Something happens though and a girl named Serena arrives at the party. Nat spends most of his time then talking with Serena. Blair then procratonates and talks to a guy named Chuck to pass time.

Next in the book, Blair finds out that Serena is moving to the area. She will be attending Constance Billard School with Blair. Blair is now worried and frustrated that she might lose her title of most popular to Serena.
Nat and Serena are spending time together remebering talking about old times. They did the naughty together for a first time and have not talked to each other or anyone else about it since Serena left for New York City in the 11th grade. Now, Nat is is worried about Blair finding out this big secret. If it were up to Serena, life would go back to the way it ended when Nat and her were together. Because of everything going on, Nat is unsure which girl he really loves and wants to be with.
The next night the famlies are out for dinner and Serena is telling all her stories from NYC. She brings up her breasts at the dinner table and Blair hears this. She runs out vomiting. Serena then confronts Blair in the bathroom and asks if they can be friends like they were back before she left and before drama with Nat started up.

Gen 6, 2012, 5:15 pm

Do you watch the TV show?

Gen 8, 2012, 9:45 pm

This sounds like a really good book!!

Gen 12, 2012, 3:45 pm

No i do not. I've only seen bits and peices.