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Modificato: Gen 1, 2012, 10:46 pm

Cynthia Hand
Now that Clara's older, her mother has finally revealed to her that she's part Angel. And as an Angel, it's her responsibility to protect a human from certain death or danger. Soon enough she learns what that danger is when she has a dream about a boy caught in a forest fire with curly brunette hair, and as the flames in this forest fire slowly engulf the trees and get closer to engulfing the boy as well, the boy turns around, but not fast enough for Clara to see his face. This situation symbolizes that Clara has a heart for the weak and helpless people who are unfortunate enough to be caught in near death experiences. After telling her mother about this dream, and finding more clues of where it's going to take place, her mother decides to have the family move to Wyoming. Although, just because you're an Angel, and you have an obligation to protect a human, I believe it's ridiculous that you'd have to move your life to another state. In reality, this wouldn't work because a teenager growing up needs stabability and a firm place to live, so they can prosper and learn more about the kind of person they are. Once Clara's family arrive in Wyoming, they buy a house way off in the country, which is perfect because it's one mile from any neighbors that could see them practicing their flying skills. While talking about this matter, Clara becomes nervous because the last two times she's attempted flying with her mother that had been disasters. "I stare at her in dismay. Mom has tried to teach me to fly exactly two times, and both were complete disasters" proves my statement and explains the kind of reaction Clara has when her mother suggests flying. P: This fits into American History because people here have had to make great sacrifices to protect others from dying. "I knew that I would have to give up a lot of things to protect this boy from being burned alive, but as an angel, it just feels worth it" proves that Clara has to make a lot of sacrifices so she can keep another person, a boy in particular with curly brunette hair, from getting killed. E: This book does raise some moral concerns, one of them being that Clara's mother would be willing to move Jeffrey (Clara's little brother) to another state despite that he feels really melancholy about it. "Despite my brother's protests, my mother still urged both of us to move to Wyoming; even when my brother cryed about missing his friends and the sports at school" proves that Clara's mother is not too considerate about what Jeffrey feels about doing different things. A: The theme is that everyone has a purpose in life, and that finding that purpose may take a lot of work. "Some angels have had to travel the world to locate the person they were having visions about, and others, like me, have to study the clues they have during their dreams really hard so they know where to locate the person they're destined to protect" proves that purposes in different people's (or Angel's) lives can be tiring mentally and physically.

Gen 1, 2012, 11:44 pm

Cynthia Hand
Pages 100-200
It's Clara's first day at her new high school in Wyoming called Jackson Hole High; which happens to be a really rich and sophiscated school. Before she goes in, she checks out her appearance in the mirror inside her car, while her brother Jeffrey jumps out with confidence into a school that he has no idea will have students who'll accept him. The difference between Clara and Jeffrey symbolizes that Clara has a very shy and reserved side, but that Jeffrey, who is her opposite - personality wise, is outgoing and social. Once Clara finally musters up the nerves to step inside her new school, she sees him - the boy from her dreams, and not only his back this time, but his face. All this pressure she then feels at that moment becomes too much, and she faints. Luckily though, a girl named Wendy helps bring her back to health (as much as she's capable of as a student). "He glances up and his eyes meet mine. The hallway melts away. It's only him and me now, in the forest. The vision comes from behind him, the fire on the hillside roaring toward us, faster than it could ever possibly happen. I have to save him, I think. That's when I faint. I wake to a girl with long, golden brown hair who tells me her name is Wendy, all while her hand is on my forehead, talking in a low voice like she's trying to calm an animal." This proves that Clara was feeling a lot of things at the moment she saw the boy from her dreams at her new high school, was getting really stressed, and did indeed faint - as well as have a girl named Wendy in her own way as a student nurse her back to health. Finally, towards the end, Clara's mom decides to let her have a personal day from school; the reason being so they can have some mother daughter time. What they do exactly is climb up a hill so they can see a smaller view of all the cities in the county grouped together. Then while they're standing on the hill, Clara's mom tells her experiences in learning that she is an Angel. Why do you think that Clara's mom would want to go up ontop of a hill to have a conversation like that? Is there something suspicous about people who do that? I personally thought it was unnecessary and that if they wanted to have some mother daughter time, they could've done it at home. P: This fits into American History because some of the greatest people here have had to be assisted by others to discover who they are. In Clara's case, that they are an angel. E: Some moral concerns are that Christian's girlfriend in this book (Christian is the boy Clara sees in her dreams) automatically marks Clara as her enemy just because her boyfriend talks to her. "I talked to Christian for just a couple of minutes and I already knew by the look in his girlfriend's eyes that I was on her bad list". This proves that Christian's girlfriend judges people way too quickly and treats people meanly for doing small things, which shows flaws in what she thinks of as right and wrong. A: The theme is that sometimes it's hard to imagine that an event is really happening. "I sucked in my breath. The license plate on the car I drove by belongs to the boy in my dreams. That means he's here and I've got to face my purpose. I breath out, and mentally prepare myself to protect this boy from danger." This proves that Clara was shocked and had to confirm to herself that a certain event, such as saving a boy from a fire, was really taking place.

Gen 6, 2012, 3:18 pm

Sounds pretty good!

Gen 6, 2012, 3:50 pm

Thanks! I would suggest it to anyone who's into mythical creatures.

Modificato: Gen 6, 2012, 5:14 pm

Cynthia Hand
Pages 200-300
The school year is over, and all of Clara's friends are leaving to go off and do internships or spend their summers with family members who live in another country. Clara then becomes very lonely within the first couple of weeks during Summer, and spends her time watching TV. What makes her even more lonely is the fact that it's her birthday, and noone seems to have remembered; until Tucker comes over with a present from Wendy. Inside the box there's a pair of hiking boots and a card that says Tucker's her birthday present, and she becomes very happy. This symbolizes that Clara has unknown feelings about Tucker, but is very interested in him. They, together, go out hiking and to a river to go swimming. There, they meet up with some other friends,although, after a while they leave and go out to a restaurant. A couple of days later Tucker asks Clara to come hang out with him, in which she says yes to; and then he decides to confess that he really likes her, and since the feelings are mutual, they kiss. Why, I'm curious, has Tucker waited so long to tell Clara how he feels? Why, in the mean time, has he also done nothing but tease her? In my opinion, it's just a waste of time to tease a girl you like, just to get her attention, because it makes that girl resent whoever's teasing her. My advice is that the next time a person wants to get whoever's attention and be friends, they should just be outfront and ask to be friends, or try to make small talk whenever possible. Later, and this is only because Tucker considers tearing Clara out of his life due to fear that she's a supernatural being, Clara shows him her angel wings. While doing so, she gives him the answers to strange incidents that have happened that he hasn't been able to figure out, because he crossed out the fact that she could be a mythical creature. "I'm sorry Clara, but I can not be friends with someone if I'm not sure about them being human or some out of this world creature". This quote proves that Tucker was considering not being Clara's friend because of his fear. Finally, towards the end, Christian calls Clara to ask her out on a date, and she has to stall him temporarily because she doesn't know how to respond now that she is dating Tucker. Clara's mom hears the whole conversation and gets so angry with Clara that she makes the decision to ground her. This is ridicoulous I think because as a teenager, the person who's a teenager, falls in love with many people; not necessarily with the person their parents approve of. P: This fits into American History because every important person in America has had a purpose that they had to fill out. "My purpose of saving the boy from the forest fire seems a little dangerous, but it is the reason why I was put on earth. Therefore, I have no choice." Proves that Clara is one of the important people in America (in this fiction story) that has a purpose in life. E: Moral concerns hear are that Tucker is willing to tear Clara out of his life, even though she hasn't done anything wrong to him. "It was out of pure fear that Tucker, I noticed, avoided calling or hanging out with me." Proves that Tucker is a little to harsh to people and should rethink the way he reacts to certain situations. A: What I received as the theme is that first loves can come with many complications and struggles.

Modificato: Gen 7, 2012, 11:17 pm

Cynthia Hand
Clara has her vision again of seeing Christian caught in the forest fire, but this time they actually interact, and talk which is very different. As soon as she starts to discover more about Christian within her vision, she all suddenly blacks out. From my perspective this symbolizes that Clara is only destined to know so much, and in order to learn more, she'll have to do some research by talking and hanging out with Christian. A few minutes later - post from fainting, Clara becomes faintly aware of Tucker pulling her away from the Fox Creek Forest, and once she starts coughing and talks to him, he is realived - because he thought that she possibly was suffering from a dramatic medical disorder. "Oh thank god you're alive! You were really freaking me out! I was considering calling the doctor!". This quote proves that Tucker became really panicked and didn't know quite what was happening to Clara - that he just had to conclude it was some medical disorder. Everything ends up being okay though and Tucker brings Clara back to her home, where she then practices for the big day (in which she saves Christian from dying in the forest fire) with her mom. In this big day, Clara learned that she will be wearing her purple curdoroy jacket. Thinking that this could be a trigger to hurry up the arrival of her purpose, she wears her purple curdoroy jacket the next day. Unfortunately, things don't go according to plan as she wanted them to. What happens is that she and her mom have to fight a black wing (whom are fallen angels who spend most of their lives in hell), and after Clara quickly goes to save Tucker from a forest fire, and quickly flys back to the other forest with the fire to save Christian, but they both discover that they're angels. I think that this would be really cool to find someone you know that is an angel (given you are an angel in the first place). And also, wouldn't it be nice to have someone that you can talk to about what you're going through? I would love it, not only is it convenient, but it gives you a chance to talk to someone you're age to hear what they think of what being an angel is like. P: This fits into American History because like a lot of American heroes, Clara had to fight villans and go through obstacles to complete her purpose. "It left me exhausted, but I was finally able to complete what I was put on earth to do. Who knew I'd also have to deal with a black wing?". This proves that Clara had to fight off a villan, and deal with obstacles, such as a forest fire, to reach the goal that she's is meant to in life. E: A moral concern in this book is that the black wing was willing to murder Clara and her mom just because it makes him feel powerful. "Trust me, murder is something I'm okay with because it gives me the fuel to dominate over minor angels like you". By saying this, it proves the black wing was willing to murder Clara and her mom because it does make him feel very powerful. A: The theme is that destiny is not always what a person quite expects it to be.

Modificato: Gen 12, 2012, 5:00 pm

Cynthia Hand
Book Review
This book is great, especially if you have a Christian religious backround. Why that is, is because it's about angels, their link to God, and their purposes on earth; which is usually saving a human's life. Genres in this book are romance, suspense, and a little bit of violence; but not too heavy. I would defaintly suggests this book to anyone who loves fantasy stories, and who enjoys being submerged in a mythical world. On a scale from 1 to 10, this book was a 9 for me. Main events that occured are that Clara had to move to Wyoming because of her vision that her purpose - saving a boy from a forest fire, was somewhere located there. My opinion about having to move to a completely other state and change your life for some boy, is that it's ridiculous; but if it's for the right reasons - such as for the love of your life, or someone you know that you can only save, then I understand. Other main events are Clara falling in love with Tucker, finding out Angela and Christian are both angels, and going to hell (temporarily) because of a fallen angel. Also, one last major event is that Clara now, since her purpose isn't clear anymore - has to learn what that purpose is. All these events combined symbolize that life is complicated, and comes with its ups and downs. "Through out this year so many things have happened - I fell in love, but sadly now, my purpose with Christian is a puzzle." This proves my claim that life is complicated and comes with its ups and downs.