Demon theif book #4

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Demon theif book #4

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Dic 20, 2011, 2:40 pm

this book takes a complete twist from the book 3 and book 4. this book is about a girl who has the power to do magic. she has tremendous memory. she can explain the very instant of birth and till her present day. when she was born her mother died. her father died in combat before she was even born. her mom brought her to a tribe that could take care of her very well. the baby was raised by a master magician named Beca and she taught her everything that Beca knew. the child was used for healing and helping out with the (bigger enemies) in combat. later on after the child is about 8 years old Beca dies unknowingly and becomes a huge mystery for the village.

Dic 20, 2011, 2:44 pm

After the people of the village settled down from the death from the magician master the child became a reliance on the tribe. the tribe call her the healer. three nights after Beca passed away, abunch of demons came into the village and tried to kill everything and just destroy what was in their site. the villagers stopped the demons and made them retreat, 6 fighters were injured and 2 died. the warriors brother was one of the people that died. the warrior was furious and very sad, he decided to go after the demons and make sure that he got his revenge. minutes later the villagers hear a loud human scream and they all knew who had died..