"All we know is heaven" ~Jacquelyn Mitchard

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"All we know is heaven" ~Jacquelyn Mitchard

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Dic 19, 2011, 12:51 am

pages 1-100
This book is based off of a true story that actually happened in Minnesota. Bridget and Maureen were the best of friends and had everything in common. They even looked the same! Both of them became involved in cheerleading and were joining the dance team. One night, in a terrible car accident, one of the girls died. In the book it tells the story from one of the girl's point of view. It was scary and very interesting about the details she gave of being in a coma. Nelly was the only person who finally believed that the girl whom the town had the funeral for was actually the girl who was alive now. These pages were very confusing but as they got more detailed into the story you began to understand more. If you were Bridget and everyone thought you had died, what would you do if you got out of the coma and found that out? Would you get angry or be sad?
Personally, the doctors should have checked their dental records and blood types before confirming who had died. Does this happen in real life? Yes it does, because this is a real story with real people. To be continued....

Modificato: Gen 9, 2012, 1:38 pm

pages 100-200
After the initial shock of the two girls being mistaken, the story is starting to die down. The only things that really happen in these pages was an explanation from doctors and nurses on how they got the girls mixed up. The doctors said that in the rush of things they did not notice that it was the other girl, and the emergency crew explained that their bodies were so bloody and unrecognizable that there was no way they could have told the difference between them at the scene.
Honestly, many people will agree that they should have confirmed who was who before they had the funeral. During these pages it describes the stages of grief Bridget's parents are going through. I feel even worse for the friends who have to be happy for Maureen being alive but sad for Bridget being dead, when just a day before they were doing the opposite.

Gen 9, 2012, 1:45 pm

pages 200-300
In these pages we learn that Danny, Bridget's boyfriend before she died, had slept with Maureen before the accident. Also, as the media begins to get more involved, people in the community begin to show their evil sides. Naked pictures of Bridget were even sent out! That ius so terrible! How messed up do you have to be to send a naked picture of your DEAD friend to the media?!? That made me so angry! Anyway, Maureen learns how to walk, eat, and take care of herself but not without a lot of struggle. Also, Maureen begins to feel more and more sad as Bridget's parents blame her for the death of their daughter. Honestly, Maureen doesnt deserve the blame for this because it was an accident and it is not her fault the doctors, nurses, and emergency staff got them mixed up.
All in all, i think that if you like a drama filled book you would enjoy this one. Jsut be warned that after the initial shock of finding out about the girls, the book gets VERY boring.

Gen 28, 2012, 9:49 am

Where in Minnesota did this story happen?

Feb 18, 2012, 8:26 pm

Do you think the title of the book matches what the book is about?

Feb 24, 2012, 10:45 am

I don't know where this story exactly took place but the title does fit this book very well.