Love Comes Softly

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Love Comes Softly

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Dic 18, 2011, 7:33 pm

if you can imagine little house on the prarie this book is very similar to that time. it takes place in the 1800's and in the mid west, Marty just lost her husband by a very tragic death. at the funeral she met this man named clark who wife had recently died and things we very different compared today and he approached her with a plan. He has a daughter named missie and she needed a mom and Marty needs husband to support her because she had no other way to do things on her own. i cannot imgaine what that would be like to have a total stranger come up to you after your husband just died and say here's the deal. i have seen the movie and have wanted to read the book , this is the second book i have read that takes places in the 1800's but i like to read these types of books becuse its intersing to compare things from back then and today. marty had no other choice but to marry Clark she nedded a man to suprort her while being pregnant and certinaly she could not do things on her own. Can you imgaine what it would be like to be in her shoes?! her family is very far away she knew no one in the town becuase she rcently had been jsut mairred to her husband who passed away and now has to start all over with someone she barely knows. !

Dic 23, 2011, 10:59 am

Do you think if you would had been in her situation you would have done the same thing?

Dic 29, 2011, 6:37 pm

How would you deal if you were in Marty's situation?

Gen 2, 2012, 1:45 pm

things are not as easy as marty thought they would be..... shes doing her best to get clark's daughter missie to like her but its impossible. she tries to
suprise clark by making breakfeast but in the end he finished evrything because marty was struggling if i were in her situation i dont know what i would do life is hard but i think even the things we go threw today things are not even close to back in the 1800's. for example now days if a husband or wife passes away in some cases that person doesnt marry again but back in the 1800's you would marry someone you have clue who they were just to take care of you and your family. i cannot imagine what that must have been like i luv this book so far and am cuirous to see if marty and clark and even missie get along better and become a storng loving family.