why im afraid of bee's

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why im afraid of bee's

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Dic 16, 2011, 10:53 am

it all started out in the a small town where a kid was sitting in his house writing a school reporthe was scaired of bees but he still had to bike to school. but bees wasnt the only thing that he was scaired of he was also picked on by older kids at school. if i was getting picked on i would do somthing about it not just let them do it.

Dic 16, 2011, 10:54 am


Dic 23, 2011, 10:54 am

one day on his way home from school the bullt thay is mean to him at school is following him home and pushes him off his bike. after that hapens he types in how to change bodies with somebody and a strange website comes up. he gets up to go to the bathroom and and a bee lande on the keyboard pressing enter which causes him to switch bodies with the bee. I it was me i would try to write a message to tell my parents what happened and i dont under stand how the bee knows what to do in a human body. his first reaction it to go to hin moms shop and try to get her but when he gets their he accidentaly stinges her and he begins to die. so he tlys home real quick and tricks his old body to come into the room than rams enter as hard as he could and his plan works. and when he was a bee his bully ended up moving to a diffrent town. i found it to be prity interisting but i didnt like how it didnt go any farther to tell what hapened a little after he was back to normal.