Invasion Of The Boy Snatchers by Lisi Harrison

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Invasion Of The Boy Snatchers by Lisi Harrison

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Dic 16, 2011, 10:30 am

pages 1-100
Invasion of the Boy Snatchers is the fourth book in the Clique Series. Massie, Alicia, Claire, Dylan and Kristin are The Clique. They are the most popular girls at OCD. Claire is recently accepted into The Clique after moving up from Florida. More and more drama happens in this part of the series. Several of the girls are hoping to get their first kisses at the big Love Struck Dance, and there is only one thing standing in their way. Her name is Nina Rivieria. She is Alicia's cousin from Spain and she is beautiful. The girls decide that they need to get rid of her, which leaves Alicia stuck in the middle.

Dic 16, 2011, 10:31 am

Sweet. my name is in this book!

Dic 23, 2011, 10:41 am

Pages 100-200
Claire becomes obsessed with the idea of kissing Cam at the Valentine's Day Love Struck dance, and denies to take part in Kristen and Dylan's bet to see who will get kissed first to win three pairs of Nina's Spanish boots. After a bad Friday night sleepover, Kristen discovers her bike lock was stolen, and Massie's crimper is missing. Massie suspects Claire of stealing both.
After the Briarwood playoffs, the girls of OCD are supposed to shoot a Velcro bow and arrow in order to catch their dates for the Love Struck dance. Massie and Claire are confident that Cam and Derrington will stand still for them, but they end up discovering that they run away at the sight of them. Nina ends up with seven dates, including Alicia's crush Josh Hotz.
The next week, Massie and Claire make a plan to make Nina less popular. They attempt to put gum on her boots in the hallway. Once Nina gets two different styles of boots from the lost and found, she starts a new trend which makes her even more popular.
Claire and Massie's mothers are always arguing over the fact that Massie and Claire have been getting into trouble lately. Kristen and Dylan are taking the bet seriously and keep fighting over who will win, and expect the other to drop out before the dance comes.
Massie, Alicia, and Claire suspect that something is going on when the button camera they had stuck onto Nina's bag is found in the Briarwood Academy boys' locker room. They investigate, and meet after school to. They discover all the items that had gone missing in one of the lockers, which includes a note.

Gen 15, 2012, 11:21 pm

At the Love Struck dance, Claire and Massie show up, expecting to be with Derrington and Cam. They run off when they see them, and are left alone on the dance floor. Massie executes her plan to expose Nina, having Tiny Nathan and Todd Lyons steal her shoes while she is receiving a foot massage from Todd, and has Tiny Nathan saw half of one heel off. While Nina is receiving her Cupid Award, she falls on her butt and her butt is exposed to the whole school. Alicia releases dozens of pictures of Nina as an LBR, and Nina, and she leaves in a hurry.
The fire alarm is pulled, mistakenly as a prank. Josh Hotz runs around screaming that there's a bomb, which was due to the fact that Dylan had the flu, and every time she would say "Kristen's mom", it turned out as "Kristen's bomb". The police ask Kristen a few questions, but release her when they find out it was just a misunderstanding.
At the soccer finals, Claire avoids Cam's eye and instead smiles at Josh to make him jealous. When Derrington is taken out of the game due to a soccer ball in the face, Kristen is mistaken for one of the players because she is wearing all Tomahawks gear, and has her short hair exposed. She is put into the game, and Derrington texts Massie, asking her to meet him behind the bleachers. Massie hesitantly agrees and goes to see him, where he explains that Nina had told him and Cam that they couldn't talk to Massie or Claire before the finals or they would lose. He also said that Nina had said that they were all for it, and that the Spanish victory spell hadn't worked at all. Derrington gives Massie the Cupid Award, and Massie gives him her "M" brooch as a subsitute for his lost MVP medal.
Claire doesn't think that Cam likes her anymore, so instead of kissing him, she kisses Josh Hotz at the end. Cam sees them kissing and runs away from her, refusing to answer her calls or texts.