The Lightning Theif

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The Lightning Theif

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Modificato: Dic 13, 2011, 4:01 pm

Percy had been kicked out of several boarding schools and he has ADHD and dyslexia. The begining certainly got my attention. It was weird that the pre-algebra teacher went with them on a mythology field trip. During the field trip Mrs. Dodds pulled Percy off to the side and was talking to him. Mrs. Dodds kept asking Percy where the bolt was. She was asking if he thought he would get away with it. Percy didn't understand what she was talking about. She turned into this creature with wings. Then Mr. Brunner showed up in the doorway holding a ballpoint pen in his hand. He threw Percy the pen. Percy caught the pen in the air. It wasn't a pen anymore, it became a bronze sword. Percy slashed at Mrs. Dodds with the sword and she turned into a vapor. Then he went outside and asked people where Mrs. Dodds was and no one knew what he was talking about. Then they went on the bus and they were heading back with Grover, his best friend. Percy kept thinking about what happened. When they got off the bus they saw these three old ladies knitting socks. One of the ladies takes a scissors and cuts the string. Then Grover freaked out and went to tell Mr. Brunner. Grover explained to Percy what the socks do. It's the end of the school year. Percy and Grover say goodbye. Grover hands him this card that has his name on it. It says his name, keeper, half-blood, and it had an address on it too. Then he says keep this incase you ever need my help. So Percy goes home and sees his mother Sally again. Then she says that they are going to take a trip to a summer cabin. They go to this cabin and they get there and they are asleep. Grover shows up that night and he isn't wearing pants. Grover was talking to Percy's mother. Then they leave and they are headed to Half-Blood Hill. They are rushing in a Camero to Half-Blood Hill. Percy looked back and saw something chasing the car. They were 300 and some odd feet from the Hill. This big meaty thing caught up to them and picked up the Camero and threw it with them still in it. This thing started charging back at them while they were getting out of the car. They start to run up the hill. His mother was telling them to go. Then it picked Sally up by the neck and then crushed her until she turned into a vapor. Grover had been knocked out so Percy had to carry him half-way up the hill and set him down. He couldn't get up the Hill so he turned around and tried to fight the thing. He did some cool jumping moves off a rock and got ahold of it and broke off it's horn. Then he rolled to one side and drove the broken horn off into it's stomach and killed it. He carried Grover all the way to the porch on a house at the bottom of the Hill. After the fight Percy was exhausted. He woke up three days later and Grover was there, still with no pants. He went down to the big house and meets Mr. D in the room while they are playing cards. Mr. D is the god of wine. Percy learn that he is the son of posiden. He also finds out that Mrs. dodds is a fury and that she reports to Hades. also i didnt think that this was very inportant but from reading the next two books i now know who luke is. he meets luke at the camp. he becomes in portant later on. I like the book so farr i just am reading this because i am waiting for my next book in the mail.

percy is now going to be offered a quest. its tradition that before any half blood goes on a quest that they see the oricle witch is just some mummy. He is being offered a quest because Zeus thinks that percy stole his master bolt. so he goes up to the atic and he see this mummy. this is his prophecy: you shall go west, and face the god who has turned. You shall find what was stolen and see it safely returned. You shall be betrayed by the one who calls you friend. And you shall fail to save what matters most in the end. well having the prophecy was a smart move by the author because I was hooked to find out who he is betrayed by and such. so they take off west. Luke give purcy this bag and flying shoes. and annabeth, grover the satyr go with percy they set off (to be continued)

Dic 16, 2011, 3:56 pm

Would you accept the quest if you were Percy?

Dic 29, 2011, 2:59 pm

Yes, I would. Because I am up for adventure and excitement.
I saw the movie but did not read the book.
Did you see the movie?

Dic 29, 2011, 6:26 pm

Would you blame Percy, if you were Zeus, of stealing your master bolt? Or would you look for more evidence and try to believe Poseidon?

Gen 2, 2012, 4:46 pm

No, I would look for more evidence.

Modificato: Gen 6, 2012, 5:17 pm

Yes I did see the movie.

Modificato: Gen 9, 2012, 1:51 pm

Who you go on the quest if you were Percy, Natalie98? Why or why not?