Flipped By Wendelin Van Draanen

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Flipped By Wendelin Van Draanen

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Dic 11, 2011, 10:33 pm

(Re read) 102-210
Julie and bryce are getting closer to warming up to each other but.... I call it little kid love. They run around with eachother everywere. BUT its kind of like tom and jerry if one of them gets introble its like its the other ones fault! They blame eachother. But the main part of these pgs was about them getting closer and better friends and also how a ladies chicken laid eggs and she gave them to the kids so they wanted chickens! Soo they tryed to take care of them. And later on they did but they had to keep a eye on those chickens. Think about the movie little rascles when the kids are watching the car then once they leave something goes wrong. Well one day it was bryces turn to watch them and they ended up hatching! But his father heard and it made his father really mad and bryce is about to get yellled at.
I wonder if he's gonna blame it on julie or grow up and step up. I say this because bryce says "I'm trying to break free but the girls got me in a death grip" so it leans to the worse and best also.