Jack London: White Fang

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Jack London: White Fang

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Modificato: Dic 11, 2011, 9:50 pm

Pages 1-100

Henry and Bill are a two man sled dog team which is headed to Mc Gurry. On their way to Mc Gurry Henry and Bill lost two dogs named Frog and Spanker. One night when they were sitting around the campfire. Their team of six dogs were staked randomly around the tents. A wolf emerged from the woods and walked around the fire looking at the dogs that were tied up, in the book it was described as a "One eared wolf." The author Jack London, also said it was a tame wolf because it was not afraid of the fire. Later that night the wolf came back and gnawed on the leather that was holding Spanker down to the stakes. The next morning, Henry and Bill woke up and realize that Spanker is no longer with them, Henry says that he will kill the wolf next time he see's it. I think the wolf could sense the dogs weren't being treated right so he freed them. Early in the week, Frogs went missing and Bill blamed it on the wolves. So, the dogs disappearing may be a recurring throughout the story. I also believe the wolf was probably in a fight with another wolf and was injured because of being called a one eared wolf.

Modificato: Dic 15, 2011, 7:53 pm

Jack London: White Fang

Pages: 100-200

The one-eyed wolf is running with his pack across the terrain, when the she-wolf started to run with the pack. The she-wolf lead the pack to the river. Later that day they found a bull moose and started to overwhelm it, the pack finally took the moose down in two hours. The next day the she-wolf was running in the forest when three suitors followed her for hopes of a mate. The fight started fair but in the end it was two aganist one, the one-eyed wolf was fighting a three year old wolf that was trying to get lucky, but in the end the one-eyed wolf was wise and when the other wolf went to go lick a wound on his shoulder the one-eyed wolf lunged towards his neck and bit down and killed the three year veteran.

Personal Opinon

I believe that this is part of nature how wolves have a systematic fashion of taking care of things. The strongest mate and the weak die off, to create a better offspring.

Dic 16, 2011, 10:27 am

Sounds like a great book. I want to read it when your done.

Dic 23, 2011, 10:56 am

I do too!