Life is not a Game of Perfect

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Life is not a Game of Perfect

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Dic 11, 2011, 7:52 pm

Where i left off in the book was in the middle of chapter 11 talking about Ted Turner. Now Dr. Bob Rotella wrote about Ted because we wroked hard all his life. All of his life he worked. He owns a radio station and was a producer back in the 1950's for The Temptations, Stevie Wonder, and The Jackson Five. He worked hard at his life and the sucess. Dr. Rotella discribes him as a demon who works all the time. Ted Turner never gave up. He found the confidence to keep his business going. For all the comitment and passion he had for music it never left him and made him into a top record producer. You see if you fallow your dreams and have the heart for it. It can come true. I think i said this in all of my blogs; you need to set your mind on what you want to accomplish in your life. Ted Turner never gave up and you shouldn't either. The founder of Mc Donalds was a small town business and did not get many customers. All though until people respected their use out of the building. They thought it was very neat, food was well made, and the workers were thoughtful. They wanted to see their business to go even bigger in the country. Until people started talking about there business and restuarant the word got out. The restuarant became a big hit and is now today the number one fast food place to eat in the world. The founder of Mc Donalds had a dream. Their dream was for there business to be country-wide and they never gave up. They also respected there customers and workers which also brings your dream to coming true. It was not easy for their business to become nation-wide, but it happened because they believed it would.

I think that this chapter reflects on people and how we treat each other. Respect is very handy and if you use it wisely, i think people in our society will be very sucessful in the future.