The Vampire Diaries "The Awakening" By: L.J. Smith

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The Vampire Diaries "The Awakening" By: L.J. Smith

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Dic 11, 2011, 3:47 pm

Pgs 1-100
Elena is used to getting any boy she wants, she is the most popular girl in school. But along comes Stefan and mysterious Italian boy, that know one knows, and who wont even look or talk to Elena. Automatically Stefan becomes a challange that Elena is going to overcome, so she with her friends help she finally has him cornered into talking to her, but what they didnt expect was him making an excuse to get away. Elena is hurt and Stephan knows it, yet it hurts him to much to talk to her, for she reminds him of his past love Kathrine. While in the cemetary visiting her parents graves, Elena's friend Bonnie has a preminition that makes them all run for there lives, they make it out of the grave yard, only to hear the next day that someone attacked a mad and almost killed him in the grave yard. Stefan is a Vampire.

My Opinion: I think Elena is stuck up, you cant expect everyone to like you, she doesnt even care for other people besides herself, and will do anything to get what she wants. Her friends i think are good friends to have and i think she is lucky she has them, and that she should be nicer to them or she might lose them. I do think there is more to Stefan than meets the eye, i think he is a good person, and trys hard to be a good vampire. I also think that he was hurt in the past and is aftraid to love again, so he is scared to like Elena or hurt her. Even though the story makes it seem as though Stefan is the attacker, i think he is good and that he didnt do it, and that something else bad did. I also think that more bad stuff are going to happen. The character i can relate to the most is probably Elenas friends, because they are always trying to be there for their friend, and will risk their lives to help them. The story takes place back in the 1990s so i can relate to the lives of the characters, because it is close to the time peroid i live in.

Modificato: Dic 11, 2011, 9:25 pm

I think Elena needs to stop being selfish. She is not being such a good friend. There is a lot of talk about bullying on the news, Minnesota has the worst bullying rules. We are 50 out of 50 according to the newspaper, basically our rule is like a slap on the wrist.

Dic 16, 2011, 10:48 am

Forreall?? Danngg I Thats New

Dic 18, 2011, 11:33 am

Pgs 101-200

Stefan thinks he was the one who attacked the man in the grave yard, because he had been there when Elena was there, watching her. For awhile he got dizzy and he thinks that he may have attacked then without himself knowing, this makes him upset because he doesnt like to hurt humans, or any creature. Stefan continues to ignore Elena which makes her upset, but more determined to get him. A dance is coming, and Stefen gets forced into going with Caroline, one of Elenas old friends, at the dance Elena gets into a fight with Bonnie and Merideth, her two best friends, and leaves with an untrust worthy boy named Tyler, they head to the graveyard. Stefan sees Elena leave and knows something is going to happen to her. When Stefan arrives he again gets dizzy, but finds Elena almost getting beat up by Tyler, and he gets into a fight with Tyler, and takes Elena to his house so she can get cleaned up. While at the house Stefan wont even look at Elena and she asked him why he hated her and he said she reminded her of someone he used to love, but she got killed. Elena feels bad for Stefan but they end up talking more and then they Kiss.

My Opinion: Elena is definatly getting better at not being AS stuck up, but she still needs to work on it. I feel bad for Stefan that he thinks he hurt the man in the graveyard, but to be honest i dont think he did it, i think someone else did. I also feel bad for Stefan because he cant get over the girl who died so many years ago, and he is afraid to love again. But i think that Elena will work at him, and he will begin to love her. The setting of this story is in Fells Wood and i think there is alot more to that town then anyone knows, I think ther are worse people then Vampires living there. I give alot of credit to Elenas friends Matt, Bonnie, and Merideth for sticking will Elena even when she is rude, there must be something more to her then what us readers see.

Dic 22, 2011, 5:52 pm

Pgs 201-200

Stefan takes Elena home, and when they get there they find that everyone has been looking for Elena sense she went missing from the dance. They also find that Viki was attacked in the grave yard, and was alittle hurt, and Stefan thinks he is the one who did it when he got dizzy so he makes and excuse and leaves. Everyone is surprised that Elena and Stefan are no together. They continue to talk for the next few day, but Elena has to plan for the Halloween party, while decorating with Bonnie and Merideth, the light go off. Merideth and Bonnie leave to go find a janitor, but Elena stays only to find that she is not alone, Damon is there, and he trys to make her like him. Elena doesnt tell Stefan about seeing Damon because she thinks nothing of it. At the Halloween Party at the school Stefan helps Elena get everything set up, and Stefan stays to try and make the history teacher get in the coffin and jump out and scare people. While that goes on Elena sees some hooded boy in a black outfit come in, only to find that the history teacher has been killed, and Stefan is missing. Everyone thinks that Stefan did it and the go and try to find him.

My Opinion: I definatly dont like Damon, i think he is a jerk, and only wants Elena because Stefan wants Elena. I also think that Damon was the one who killed the teacher, and that he was the man in the hooded outfit. I think Damon is the bad guy doing all the bad stuff. If I lived in Fells I would move, for there are alot of bad things goin on. What I dont understand is why Stefan doesnt know his brother is in Fells, or why he thinks he did all those bad things. I think Elena is getting better at respecting other people, but still need to work at it. And appriciate people more.

Gen 1, 2012, 1:01 pm

Pgs 201-300 EXTRA CREDIT

Elena knows that Stefan didnt kill the history teacher, so she asks Matt to lead people away so she could look for Matt, he was nowhere to be found. Elena figured he went to the boarding house (his house) she couldnt find him in his room, but saw that the attic door was open so she went in. She saw Stefan in the corner eating a bird, with blood all over his mouth, she feaked out and he almost attacked but realized who it was, but Elena got scared and was backing up toward the edge of the roof, and she fell, but Stefan caught her with his unhuman speed. He let her calm down then invited her up to his room where he told her the whole truth about how he became a Vampire. He had once loved a girl who looked so similar to Elena, but she had died, after him and his brother fought over her, and after she had changed them both into vampires, so that is why Stefan had ignored Elena in the beginning. Elena then said that she thinks that Damon (Stefans brother) was the one attacking the people in Fells, and she thinks he was the hooded figure.

My Opinion: I still think that Stefan is innocent, and that Damon is actually doing the crimes. Elena definatly is getting better at caring about other peoples feeling, and i think that Stefan is a good vampire and has a lot of regrets in his life, and is afraid of opening up and letting more regrets happen. This book is a little Gross for me with the blood and stuff, but it has such a good story line it makes it better. In some ways like Stefan not wanting to be with Elena in the beginning reminds me too much of Twilight, like the Author coppied alittle bit.

Gen 1, 2012, 1:09 pm

301-300 Extra Credit

Elena still accepts Stefan even though he is a Vampire. But Stefan is angry with Damon because he now believes that he is the one causing the trouble in the town, and he doesnt like Damon close to Elena, the brothers fight alittle bit, and it became obvious that Damon was the Stronger fighter but yet he still denys attacking anyone, Damon lets Stefan go...or so we think. But Stefan is yet again attacked, and taken somewhere. Elena gets worried and starts to look for him, asking her friends to help. After alot of searching they came to a well and found Stefan at the bottom, hurt and weak but alive. Stefan said he doesnt know who attacked him.

My Opinion: I think that Damon put Stefan in the Well. I also think it was cute of Stefan to try and protect Elena from Damon. I think that Elena accepting Stefan even though he is a Vampire is good, it shows she is getting better, but i also dont think i would be ok with it, i think i would be to scared.

Gen 8, 2012, 11:28 am

pgs. 401-510

Stefan needs blood or he will die. So Elena makes everyone leave but her, so she can give it to him, it seemed that in a way Merideth new what they were doing. Throughout all of this Elenas diary is missing, and the girls all suspect Caroline, for she has been made at Elena for quite awhile. They decide to sneak into her house and try to find, it but they only find Carolines own diary. They had to quickly leave because Caroline and her family had arrived at home. Damon saves Elena from being caught. Elena has been chosen to be the Fells Princess, in the parade, and Caroline decides to read her journal in front of everyone. Only Caroline then realizes she has the wrong journal. Elena decides to go to Stefans house only to be caught in a storm, a Vampire made storm, and she crashed in to the river, and passed away before Stefan could reach her. Out of anger, Stefan decides to fight Damon, because he thinks that Damon killed her. But during the fight Elena shows up, as a vampire, she sees Stefan as the enemy and protects Damon. It turned out that Elena had enough vampire blood in her to change her. The story ended here.

My Opinion: I honestly dont think that Damon did it, because he seemed just as shocked as Stefan to see Elena walk in there. I also think that Damon truely does love Elena even if he doesnt admit it. Stephan seemed pretty heartbroken about Elenas death, but even more heartbroken to see her as a vampire, he would never wish that life on anyone. I do think that in the next book, Elena will get her memory of Damon back and they will all resume fighting.