"Artemis Fowl The Time Paradox"

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"Artemis Fowl The Time Paradox"

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Modificato: Dic 14, 2011, 1:19 pm

This book is by Eoin Colfer. It is a si-fi fantasy series. In this book a 18-year-old kid is the most genius crimnal master mind ever to live. His only friends are a fairy named Holly Short, a cetuar named Foaly, and a dwarf named Mulch Digums. Artemis's mother Angeline Fowl has contracted a disease that has no cure, but being the big brain Artemis is he found out that the cure is a lemure for 8 years ago. The only problem is that he killed the lemur 8 years ago, well didn't kill it he gave it to people that did kill it. Artemis relized that he needs to go back in time and the only way todo that was time travle only done by a warlock by the name of No. 1. Holly and artemis go back in time together. If this kid was real and so was this book, i think that that kid would be the most dangerous person in the world. because in the other books he tends to pull off incredible crimes, and he is the only human that knows the secret about the faries and other magical creatures. Don't you think? I wish this book was real, cause instead of just humans on the planet interacting with other humans. You would interact with magical creatures. That would be Awsome...

page 1-100

Dic 14, 2011, 1:19 pm

When i left off Artemis Fowl and captin Holly Short travled back in time, when the did they themselves degrenarated.... (Meaning if you looked 16 years-old a you travled back in time 6 years., you would look as you did when you were 10.) Anyway they set off to get the lemure. At the same time the 10-year old Artemis(the one in the past) and his burly protector who has been by his side ever since he was born, were after the lemure to send it away to get killed. Holly and Artemis get the Rathdown Park and disable the security system to get in. They located the lemure and to stay hidden Holly, and Artemis found Mulch diggums in the past and got him to help. since Mulch is a dwarf he can dig under the ground. So they moved under ground till the hit the chage. but young Artemis was waiting for them and Butler stunded Holly with a dart to make her pass out. young Artemis has the lemure and is going to sell it. Holly and Artemis need to get to it quickly. I can relate to this..... well i mean if my mom was indanger i would to anything to save her and i know my friends would join to help me, and we would do anything.

page 101-200

Dic 15, 2011, 4:21 pm

When i left off Artemis Fowl and Holly Short are tring to get the lemur from young Artemis. Young Artemis was in the middle of traiding the lemur to the extentionast to get ride of the lemur. Artemis and Holly are so close to getting the lemur. Artemis gets trapped in a hole and then, he finds the real emeny behind everything. the emeny was Opal Kobi. She is a criminal mastermind in the farie world. Artemis is almost gonna get killed when he runs through a hologram that made it look like there were flames behind him. Artemis got away but Holly got stunied with the lemur. Artemis found her and the lemure and got out of there. I think this book shows how far one person will go for another person, and that true friends will always be there for you when u need them.

page 201-300

Dic 16, 2011, 10:48 am

After Artemis and Holly escaped they went back to Artemis's house(Fowl manner) where they were getting ready to transport into the feature to present time. They successfuly got back to the present time. Artemis is just about ready to save his mother but then his mother demands the lemur, but she cannot have it. Artemis relizes that his mother's body has been taken over by opal. Angeline/Opal rises or levatates off the bed. Opal thinks she has one but Artemis says one thing that makes her worrie, "Come on Opal... you wouldn't shoot a ten-year-old boy, would you?" Then opal relized that he was the Artemis from her time(the past). Meanwhile Holly and No. 1 are trapped in a bin of fat(it blocks out the faries magic) by butler, who is mesmerized by the young Opal. Then the Artemis of real time sneakes into the wepons vault and takes a special tranquizler and gets opal with it. Artemis takes the lemur and runs to a airplane and takes off. Opal relized that Artemis had the lemur and went after him. The plane crashed and Artemis Was Woulded but he still kept on moving. Opal cought up with him, and Artemis accidentaly dropped the lemur and Opal got him, but it was a fake. just then the ground shakes and Opal gets trapped underneath it. Artemis returns back to Fowl manner and sees his mother. A farie recovery team find Opal, but she was not there she had excapted. The end of this book. This was a great book. I recomand it to people who like Sci-Fi, and science. Where the theory takes place. In the end of this book Artemis say something interesting "It's a big time paradox. If i had done nothing, then nothing would have needed to be done" If you want to know the meaning of this.... i suggest you read this book.

page 301-400

Dic 16, 2011, 10:49 am

this book looks like its really good. im gonna check it out