Dial L for Loser; Part 2

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Dial L for Loser; Part 2

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Dic 9, 2011, 11:04 am

Lisa Harrison
Plot Summary-
p. 202-300
Previously, Alicia, Massie, and Massie were competing for the modeling/acting job. Claire ended up getting the job in L.A. Massie and Alicia pretended to be excited be were accually were incredibly jealous.
The girls were at a lose on what to do, Claire was the weird girl with no style. They needed to come up with something good, but secretive. But of course the girl came up with a plan..
Alicia and Massie get the roles of "Behind the Scence Reports" and trash talk Claire and do a "behind the scenes tour" of Claire's things. In order to embarass her, they put a whole bunch of grossing things in her dressing room to make her look bad on the film infront of all the viewers. Now, when they go on their "tour," they find things like hair removal packets and femanine products.
When Claire hears all this, she is very surprised and hurt by who she thought were her friends. Meanwhile, Alicia and Massie are feeling good about their hurtful actions towards Claire.
Another problem that Claire runs into is that her new friends, Conner and Abby, have been using her just because of her new popularity with the film. Also, to top things off, Massie took of a picture of a scene where Claire was required to kiss her co-star, Conner, and sends it to her boyfriend Cam back at home. Now she has many problems she can no longer resolve.

I think this book was one of the best ones of the Clique series. It had the most action and very interesting chapters. It always keeps the reader tuned in. Big occurances happen in this book that is never expected. It all fits together to make a great book!