Demon Thief #2

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Demon Thief #2

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Dic 9, 2011, 10:43 am

This book is fiction. There is an ordinary family, the Flecks. The main character is Kernel Fleck. Kernel Fleck tells people that he see's lights in the air floating around, pulsing in and out. The people think he is crazy and dont believe him, they start to call him the light freak. One day he is at home in his room, he see's the lights again and is playing with the lights. Moving them across the room with his mind, making shapes with the lights. Kernel says the lights come in different shapes, triangles, sqaures, rectangles, circles and many other odd shapes. He realizes that he made a window with the lights and a sound comes from the window telling him that he should go through the window. He refuses to do so. His little brother Art comes in the room, and they debated to go through the window. They get back from the window and apparently they've been gone for days.

Dic 16, 2011, 10:27 am

Kernel Fleck is realizing the reality of what his life is meant for. He goes through all these demonic worlds with Bernabus the magician of the demonic world. Kernel is with the master, Nadia, Raz, Sabilia and himself. they all go on a wild adventure fighting demons to get the Ka Gash that rules the demonic universe and the worlds universe. The disciples risk there lives every moment to help the magician master find the Ka Gash. Kernel seeks his little brother Art and later on finds out that art was not his brother all along and found out that art was a demon that Kernel transformed him into human life. Kernel finds out that he is the demon theif and is very shocked. Kernel goes back to his parents and finds out that its been seven years because in the Demonic universe time is different than the outside.