A Child Call It

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A Child Call It

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Dic 5, 2011, 2:32 pm

Before David was abused he had a perfect family and as years past his mother has changed attidute. She turned alcoholic and David had to do his chores. If David didnt finish his chores on time the mom wont feed him until he has his chores done. The mom would smash him on the kitchen counter and she would smash his face on the mirror and to tell himself hes a bad boy. David had to wear his dirty clothes to school and he would smell bad . Everytime he had a bruse or a cut the nurse would ask him what happened and he would make up a story but the nurse new it was a lie. One day David stoled food from his classmates and then he got cought and the mother would yell at him and make him do things he doesnt like. She wiped the babys diper on his face. Then he stoled food from the store and she made him vomit on the toilet and pick the food up so she could show it to his dad, then when the dad tried to convence Davids mom to let him eat food and of course the mom won the argument and David knew what to do he ate the food he puked and his dad looked away. I feel bad for this child if i was him i would of ran away or do something.

Dic 5, 2011, 5:02 pm

I agree. It is such a sad story. But, it is so compelling because David isn't the only one who has ever gone through this. Why do you think it is important for him to tell his story? And why do people want to read his story?

Dic 9, 2011, 10:51 am

This is so sad, if i was the boy i would tell people what is happening at home so they could help me, or i would run away. The mom obiously needs help and the Dad needs to stick up for the David.

Dic 9, 2011, 10:52 am

Davids mom stabbed him in the stomach for not hurring up with his chores but then she took care of him for a little while and then it started back to normal back on being herself and treating the poor little boy. Its sad how mothers or fathers abuse their own kids and treat them like they arent worth anything and decide to treat them like trash. This made me wonder how many kids in the world are being abused right now while we are here in school or at home all happy and other childeren being abused by their own parents. Wishing someone would come and safe them and become their hero many people dont believe the childeren, when in real life little kids say the truth and they wouldnt lie about their parents abusing them. Some mothers need some help just like this one in the book " A Child Called It" Every child needs some love even if your bussy with your work take time to be with them and play with them. Many kids that are being abused wish that their parents were like that to them, some wanting to escape so they wont see their parents that treat them like criminals. I wish I could help them and find each parent that is doing that and make them change if they dont want to them make them learn a dang listen. Those kind of parents just piss me off and seriously wanna injure them but I cant, but some kids murder their parents because they cant take it no more, for those child that are being abused they wish they were free.

Dic 9, 2011, 10:53 am

I know right If I was him i would of done something to my mom already like kill her but I cant i would probably run away

Dic 9, 2011, 10:54 am

I've read this book several times. Sad story.

Dic 9, 2011, 10:57 am

Yes Yes It Is

Dic 9, 2011, 11:01 am

Sounds like a very sad story, but yet it sounds very intresting

Dic 16, 2011, 10:34 am

Davids dad broke the promise of taking him away from his mother, but his father left without him. He couldnt take it anymore with his wife, the house and his son. His dad would get drunk and same with his mom. Davids mother was waiting for his dad to come home becuase she wanted him back and she was all dressed up and the food was ready, everytime she heard a car she would look out the window but he came all drunk and came with his drunk friend. He was drunk very drunk. When his dad left and never came back the next day davids mom took her kids to mcdonlds and David waited in the car as the kids and his mom were comin, the mom said your all mine now and David prayed that his parents would kill him or that he could die. I feel bad for this child now that he has his own child he doesnt want to treat his son as his mother did and when his son said i love you dad he said i love you too son with a tear.

Dic 16, 2011, 10:38 am


Dic 16, 2011, 10:40 am

I think Davids dad is a JERK, if he cant stand up for his own kid then he has issues. You cant run away from your problems you have to confront them head on, so you can over come them. Taking the easy route isnt always the best route...

Dic 16, 2011, 10:45 am

Okay then I would punch her so she would feel the same as she treated that poor child

Dic 16, 2011, 10:46 am

Jeli that is a little harsh, you should be the better person!

Modificato: Dic 16, 2011, 10:49 am

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Dic 16, 2011, 10:50 am

That sounds so sad, why did David not stand up for his kids? if he really wanted them he would have, and does the mom drink or the dad?

Dic 16, 2011, 10:50 am

Well She was abusing her child and why not treat her that wayy too so she could learn something new and how the poor child was treated and abuse. Yes i do want to go on her level! Well Just attack her that all

Dic 16, 2011, 10:52 am

He's Scared I Think N Both Of Them Drink.

Dic 16, 2011, 10:55 am

THis is a very sad and distraut story. I also agree with Jamie1996 your parents should always stand up for you. The part in the story where the mom throughs the diaper in his face and makes him through up was very disappointing. I just can't imagine wh yany parents would do that! I personally would leave and never return back to my parents.

Dic 16, 2011, 10:58 am

I kno its very sad and those kind of parents that abuses their kids just pisses me off and i would do that too or kick them in the face or something !

Dic 16, 2011, 11:02 am

Jeli! language, but i think they should just go to a foster home that way they could be safe and not get abuse. what do you think, should they go to a foster home?