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Dic 4, 2011, 11:04 pm

Nora Roberts
Liz, the main character, owns a diving store on a beach in Cozumel, Mexico. She used to live in a different country but she went to Mexico because she felt unwanted and not at home in the country she lived in. She was hurt by the one she loved but she had a kid named Faith with him before he left. Liz wanted what was best for her daughter Faith so she sent her to her parents in Houstin, Texas to get a good education. While Liz is working in Mexico something goes terribly wrong. She hires a man named Jerry and lets him stay with her as long as he pays the rent for the room he uses. One day when Liz was working and taking tourists on a boat ride in the ocean the tourists noticed a body sitting on the ocean floor with an anchor wrapped around him. Liz looked through the glass at the man and realized that it was Jerry. Jerry's twin brother got called and notified that his brother was dead so his brother Jonas went to Mexico to get his body and belongings. When he went to Mexico and saw his twin brothers body he wanted revenge on the person that killed him. He tries to talk to Liz but Liz gets offended and mad because he is pointing fingers at her thinking she did it. He pays Liz to take him on a boat to "fish" but really all he wanted to do was get more information. When Jonas is at the police station talking to the police about the murder the police station gets a call. It's Liz, she was attacked in her home, a man had held a knife to her neck and she managed to escape and make it to the neighbors to call for help. Even though Liz is under police protection after being attacked Jonas tells her he will stay with her and pay rent. He starts to get involved with her and like her. She gathers information for him about night clubs and bars that his brother went to before his death and they try to put pieces of the crime together.

This book is American because it may take place in Mexico but it talks about all the American tourists that visit there and that have lots of money. As my grandparents and parents have told me when you leave this country people can pick an American out in a crowd. When they pick an American out they immediately think they have money because they are visiting and because they are from America. This is kind of how it is in the book. It tells how Jerry was bragging about his money and telling women how he would take them on trips, and when Liz was attacked the man was asking her where Jerry put the money. This is major in the book because money could be the reason he was killed.

Dic 12, 2011, 12:20 am

Nora Roberts
Liz starts to really like Jonas but doesn't want to get involved with him because of her last relationship. She keeps pushing herself away from him and he keeps pulling her in. One day Jonas goes into town to meet up with Erika, one of Jerry's lovers, that told him she would find the name of the man that killed Jerry if he would pay her 50 dollars. They meet up and she tells him, "The name is Pablo Manchez-he's the one with the face." Erika then went on to say, "I'll tell you something else, because Jerry was a sweet guy. This Manchez, he's bad. People got nervous when i asked about him. I heard he was mixed up in a couple of murders in Acapulco last year." Jonas paid her another 50 dollars then went home. When he arrived at Liz's house he found her in her daughters room holding a worn out teddy bear. Liz had been really scared that day because she found a key on her keychain that didn't belong to her. She asked Jonas about this key and he told her it is probably a key to a safety box. He called around to banks and found the bank it belonged to. The bank is located in Acapulco, Mexico. Jonas really wanted Liz to come for her safety and so she could see what was in the box. When they got to the bank the woman at the counter thought he was Jerry, which was what he was hoping for. He signed a sheet of paper with Jeremiah's(Jerry's) signature and she gave him the box with the key and led him to a room so they could have privacy. When he opened the safety deposit box he put his finger in the bottom of it and licked his finger. There was cocaine in the bottom of the box with hundreds of thousands of dollars on top of it, and on the side there was an address book with a bunch of initials, dates, times and numbers. Liz was confused at what she saw because she always thought Jerry was a good guy that was broke, Jonas explained to her that his brother never grew up and thats how he made his money was smuggling drugs. But besides all of that Jonah tells Liz that he knew something bad would happen but he did nothing to prevent it, he told her that he is to blame for his death. Liz feels bad because she knows that Jerry was a part of Jonah so she tells him she will help. Liz was scared after she saw the money because she knew that she was getting involved, and she knows that the man that held the knife to her before will come back more determined to find where the money is. But now she actually knows where the money is so she knows she is involved.

Right now in Mexico there are really bad drug wars, they are no joke. I remember watching Fox 9 one night and they were talking about how a couple went jetskiing on a lake near the border of Mexico. The man was murdered, and the investigator of his case was also murdered and his head was sent to the police station in a bag. Drug wars are really serious and in this book they are too. But in todays economy people will do almost anything to get money. Jerry was murdered because of dealing drugs for money and this kind of thing happens in real life. This book is considered a romance book but so far i don't get how. From the 200 pages i have read i would recommend it to people who like mistery books with a little bit of romance.

Dic 19, 2011, 1:05 am

Nora Roberts
Liz and Jonas are still searching for more evidence to who killed Jerry and why he was killed. When they get back from Acapulco Mexico they sit down to have dinner and Jonas asks Liz about her ex boyfriend She tells him that he was into politics just as Jonas is, and his parents wanted him to keep being successful. They didn't want him to love a non rich girl that would mess up his life and he agreed with them. Then Liz found out she was pregnant and when she told him that he got furious and didn't want anything to do with her. He threatened her and told her that if she ever told people it was his he would say she cheated on him with someone else and got pregnant. He wanted her to kill the baby, but she wanted to keep it. To protect the baby she moved to Mexico, a place she has always felt safe at, and she had her little girl. She didn't want to tell her parents about it at first because her ex boyfriend told her that her parents would be so dissapointed and they wouldn't even want to claim her as a child anymore. But when she did end up telling her parents they were okay with it and they watch her little girl for her now in Texas.

That happens to a lot of people where there parents want a better life for their kids. This is not uncommon.

Dic 26, 2011, 12:12 am

Nora Roberts
Liz ends up getting really emotionally attached to Jonas. She tells Jonas, "Jerry and I were going to be partners." Even though Jonas has only wanted revenge on the person that killed his brother, he didn't mind that she wanted to be partners with his brother and didn't tell him about it. Liz and Jonas just keep getting closer and closer. He spends the night next to her and when she wakes up she feels safe with him. She hasn't felt safe with a guy since her last relationship that was along time ago. She begins to think that this is true love and he's not just using her. The next day Liz takes Jonas diving, he goes to find evidence or find something out about his brother, but when they actually start diving he just enjoys watching how much fun Liz has with diving. Then a shark comes along and he still feels safe around her. Then something happens, Liz runs out of air. She knew that if she swam towards the surface her lungs would be crushed so she signaled for Jonas to give her his to inhale for a second. Then they slowly went to the surface. Liz tells Jonas she checked all the tanks multiple times, she believes someone took the key and used the tank without her knowing. Jonas insists that Liz stays with his family until it's safe. Liz refuses, so Jonas decides to tell Liz what happened. "Erika's dead", he tells her, then he tells her how Erika gave him the name of the bad guy that might have killed his brother then not long later they found Erika dead from being stabbed.

Drug wars are still going on in Mexico and they are no joke. Many people have died from getting involved, and that is what's happening in this case. Jerry got involved and now Liz is involved from Jonas. Drug wars is an important thing in this story because that is why Jerry is dead and because Jerry is dead Jonas is introduced to try and find the guy that killed his brother.

Feb 17, 2012, 2:58 pm

Who would you suggest this book to?

Feb 18, 2012, 8:22 pm

I recommend it to people who like mystery and danger books.