Life is not a Game of Perfect

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Life is not a Game of Perfect

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Dic 4, 2011, 4:53 pm

The part where i left off in the book was at chapter seven. This next half in the book talks about how famous people or businesses fail and try, try, try, and try until they suceed. I will give you an example. Mary Kay, the founder of that company was a complete fail back in the 1960's until she fimaly found the product in her make-up that worked. Still today she makes over hundreds of beauty porducts and also makes good money for it. Another example would be Bill Gates. When he was young he always dreamed of becoming a computer producer. He would spend all his nights and days working on computers and trying to restore them. When he got a job he worked on computers and trying to event a new program to help make them less complicated. Bill Gates ended up being the founder of Microsoft! See what happens when you try and set a goal. Your goal can be accomplished, but in order to succeed you have to work at your goals. Leadership plays a big role in this book because all of these people had the courage to keep trying even when they failed. It shows that nothing willl stop them from reaching their dreams.

I think we should all set ourselves goals and look opon this book because it shows great values toward success. If you want to live your dreams or if you want to go far at what you love to do you should always remember these people and see how much of it reflects on your life.

Dic 4, 2011, 10:48 pm

This is a very great book! I love how he gives real life examples!

Dic 6, 2011, 11:55 am

The key there is that you have to have goals! If you won't or don't know how to set goals, what is there to strive for?

Dic 9, 2011, 10:38 am

Sounds like a good book i like how you include how people keep trying even when they fail. Good Job