The Hobbit

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The Hobbit

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Dic 2, 2011, 10:46 am

This book is the prelude of the lord of the rings. It is writen by J.R.R Tolkien. This epic story starts out with a hobbit living at home in the shire. He is a hobbit who lives alones and never travels or does anything exciting. One day a very old and good friend comes along....Gandalf. He talks to the hobbit...Bilbo. They talk for a while and then gandalf asks bilbo if he would like to do something very important but it means leaving the shire. Bilbo gets scared from this news and tells gandalf no, come back tomorrow. The next day these dwarfs(14) come to his house they are the men seek Bilbo and after a while of telling Bilbo the richs from this journey he agrees too go. They travel for a very long time searching for a mountain that has been taking from the dwarfs along time ago.

Dic 5, 2011, 4:58 pm

Nice plot summary. Step two. What does this all mean? Your reactions?

A books value comes from what it causes you to think.