Life is not a Game of Perfect

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Life is not a Game of Perfect

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Nov 27, 2011, 12:49 pm

What I also have read in the book was that your talent (real or physical) may not show up until you get older or believe that it is there. For example take Micheal Jordan, he at one time was known for being the best basketball player there was in the history of the NBA. He talent did not arive until he was junior in high school. Every little bit of commitment and perserverience counts because if he did not show up at try outs for school or practice he would have not of been the best in the NBA or would have won NCAA titles. Coaches told him when he was a sophomore that this may be it. You may no longer have the strength to finish this sport. Nothing ever stopped Micheal from being successful. So while I continue to keep reading this book, I am not going to let anything stop me or tell me that i am not good enough or i do not have the talent.

I think other people should think the same when they read this book. I think it means alot because if you work hard at would you do and put your mind to it you can acomplish anything.

Dic 1, 2011, 7:51 pm

I remember reading this book in Civics; good choice by the way.

Dic 6, 2011, 10:03 am

I would like to know where you are at in the book.