Life is not a Game of Perfect

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Life is not a Game of Perfect

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Nov 27, 2011, 12:38 pm

This book is about comparing life to some golf, meaning that the perserverince you have for the sport and the attitude relfects on your life. People say all the time to people that you have the athletic abitlity to play well, but they never say your real talent is what helps you win. I think real talent is the key to winning. In the book it tells a story about a man who had alot of trouble in his life but nothing ever stopped him from playing the sport he loved. His name was Patrick Browne. He lived in New Orleans his whole life, was a good person and nothing was wrong with him. One day when he was drivng he had gotten in a bad accsident where both his eyey sockets broke, punctered his eyes, broke his jaw, and his nose. He had to be blind for the rest of his life because the damage to his eyes were so severe. When he was fully heeled he wanted to play golf again, but he thought he could not because he was blind. Everyday after work his coach and him would go out to the golf field and practice on his game. Pat loved the sport so much he did not want to let it go. That is where i think his true real talent showed. A couple of years later he gained his game back and his confidence and went on a tour. Patrick Browne ended up winning the U.S. Blind Golfers' Association national championship twenty-one times because of his commitment and real talent towards the game. He did not let anything stop him in his game.

I think this story is truely amazing because it proves that real talent can take you far. So far in the book it taught me that what you dream and the hard work and real talent you put toward it may come true. Take Pat as an example he loved golf and wanted to win but nothing stopped him because his real talent was inproving and showing.

Nov 27, 2011, 1:11 pm

Hm. Interesting title for a book - sort of. I think life is perfect - regardless what happens to people. Just because it isn't what we want doesn't mean it's wrong or imperfect. If things were supposed to have been different for someone - they would have been. How can life be anything other than perfect? I know - most people will take issue with that...

Talent won't get a person anywhere if there's no drive or interest to fuel movement. My kid might not have much talent as a skateboarder, but he sure does love it - practices for hours every day. That's fulfilling for him, and for me as his mom to get to tell him I'll be out to watch his new trick in five.

Nov 27, 2011, 3:09 pm

Good post, as me being a golfer and as a caddie I kinda wanted to read it, but Mr. D told me about the book.

Dic 5, 2011, 4:46 pm

COCO. Nice post. It has started some interesting conversation - that's good. I am one who would have to disagree with NefTwink. I don't see the intent of this book is to look at life as perfect because you are alive, and how could anyone argue with this divine plan. I don't think life is perfect. People run into problems when they look for life to be perfect - try to make it perfect - and when it fails to fit their view of perfection and can't make it perfect, believe that this failure is permanent. Even the mighty Ben Franklin found he could not reach perfection. The Puritans, however, believed in that sort of perfection in predestination and the 'elect'. But, you have read the book COCO. Where is he going with this?

I do, however, agree with NefTwink that the persuit of this perfection can be very fulfilling - the journey being more important than the destination.

The secret of success is constancy to purpose. -- Benjamin Disraeli

Dic 9, 2011, 10:44 am

Life isnt perfect, just like no one is perfect. But life does have great moments. Talent wont get you anywhere without a drive, but thats why you practice to reach perfect. Even though perfect doesnt fully exist, some moments feel perfect. But there are moments that are far from perfect. Everyone has their own point of view and i think perfect doesnt exist but great moments in life.

Dic 9, 2011, 10:49 am not perfect.

Dic 9, 2011, 10:50 am

I agree mrkray. Ben Franklin, Thomas Edison, Bill Gates all of them have failed. All people in this world have failed. We strive for perfection, but most of the time we never get perfection. We work towards our goals. I disagree NefTwink. Your son may love skateboarding and practices it, but that doesn't mean everytime he practices skateboarding he is going to make every jump or every trick. Even if he was practicing it, it doesn't mean he is going to make a career out of it unless he has competitions or a great history of skateboarding. If he did that then whats the point of practicing.

Dic 9, 2011, 10:50 am

You go Glenn COCO! I agree with you that life isn't a game of perfect. No matter how hard we try to be perfect we never will be. Yeah sometimes we do good on things but then there are other times that we don't. I believe that the only perfect thing in life is God. Everybody sins and has their imperfections. Including your son with his skateboarding.

Dic 9, 2011, 10:52 am

How can life be perfect? we all know it's not we all have our problems you don't ever hear anyone say that "my life is perfect" do we, if life was perfect your son would be a good stateboarder and be able to make every move and wouldn't have to practice. so life isn't perfect

Dic 9, 2011, 10:53 am


Dic 9, 2011, 10:53 am

i agree with HayleyJ

Dic 9, 2011, 10:54 am

I think that the things in your life aren't perfect, however I do feel that the things that aren't perfect in your life, make you succeed as you move on with your life.

Dic 9, 2011, 10:57 am

Ya she's right!

Dic 9, 2011, 11:00 am

HAHAHA HayleyJ used the word perfect 7 times in 6 sentences! Good job HayleyJ!

Dic 9, 2011, 11:02 am

NefTwink... if life was perfect, everyone would have jobs, everyone would have lots of money, and no one would be homeless. and if life was perfect, ur son would be amazing at skateboarding and everything he does. And also, if life was perfect, you probably have better things to do then comment on this book blog or even have an account on this website.

Dic 9, 2011, 3:38 pm

I agree, life isn't perfect. I mean if it was, why would thousands of people die from terrist attacks?

Dic 11, 2011, 11:44 pm

I agree with them, if life was perfect that would mean everything in it would have to be perfect. Which would mean nobody would ever get hurt or killed, and hatred wouldn't even be a word. Everyone would be nice to one another.

Modificato: Dic 16, 2011, 10:30 am

I Agree with StephanieS.

Dic 16, 2011, 10:30 am

You need to calm down. Its just a book. We are high school kids go easy on us. Im sure your kid likes skateboarding but hes not going to make it. Just face the facts. Hes not good as u make it sound. So go easy on coco she is one of us. Again CALM DOWN!!!!

Dic 23, 2011, 10:54 am

Nicely said buckshot14!