"The Last Song"

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"The Last Song"

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Nov 23, 2011, 12:12 pm

"The last song"
Nicholas Sparks
Pages 1-100
Summary: Ronnie and her younger brother Jonah's parents are divorced, when their father felt it was best to just leave. They then live with there mother. Ronnie gets in a lot of trouble back home and seems to be going down the wrong path with her life. Ever since her dad left she wouldn't touch her piano, when Juliard has been watching her since she was little. They've already told her that she has been given a full scholarship there without even applying. Ronnies mom decides that it would be a good idea to send Ronnie and Jonah to their fathers for the summer. Ronnie resents her father and has no intention of being friendly or even talking to him for the summer. Somehow she runs into a guy named will who she acts like he thinks he's the biggest hottie in town. At her dad's, she finds a racoon trying to eat all the eggs where a turtle has put their eggs. After she scares the racoon away she makes a fort, where nothing can get in. She then calls the animal shelter and they don't come out for days. When finally someone shows up, and discovers it was Will that she had been waiting on to come. She's angry because she's been out all day and night sleeping by them for 48 hours waiting for will. To make it up to her, Will sleeps outside with her. Ronnie finds herself falling for this guy, even though she doesn't seem to want to admit it.

PEARL: This relates to american history by the time that Ronnie has to wait for someone to come out and help her. In those days you couldn't get things fast and easy. You would have to wait multiple days to get whatever you needed, for someone to come out. This book shows the american dream by what Ronnie wants for the turtles. For them to be safe. In the Last Song, it shows good morals so far. Ronnie has the heart to reach out and do anything to reach the highest. She cares for everything, even though sometimes her actions don't show it.

Nov 23, 2011, 12:46 pm

"The Last Song"
Nicholas Sparks
Pages 100-200

Summary: Will seems to be opening Ronnie up, as she begins to find who she really is. Ronnie seems to have really won Will's mom over at her sisters wedding. NOT! After they get back home, Jonah discovers that the turtles have finally hatched. They go down to watch and help them get to the ocean. When all the sudden they see there father going up to the house, and fall down. They bring him to the hospital and Ronnie discovers that her father has cancer and that he asked them to low down on the treatments so he can 'really' be with his kids at last. Ronnie is very upset that her father didn't tell her anything of having cancer, and that he decided to make that decision to low down the treatment, after all that's happened. Now he has no chance of living. Jonah is very confused and doesn't know what's going on. He gets also very upset when he learns about what has been going on in his body all this time. After a while, there dad gets sent home. Ronnie is with Will and is starting to fall in love with him. Ronnie learns after the incident with the show up of her parents at there house, what has happened in Will's life. That his brother died a few years ago in a horrible car accident. After Will shows a side that Ronnies never seen, she decides to open up and play the piano for him. Ronnie is happy and excited. But Will and his friend decide to come clean about the burning of the church, and Ronnie over hears. Ronnie gets upset and breaks up with Will after the lies.

PEARL: This relates to american history about the stories that are unhidden, and how they always come out someway or another, but yet.. You don't know which is the truth. It relates to the american dream by the unhidden dream of what you want life to be. The book shows good and not so great morals now. Good morals that Will and his friend came to truth about the fire, but bad morals because he waited all this time. There father shows good morals by keeping the story a secret and letting it rest on his shoulders even though everyone thinks he was the one that burnt it down.

Nov 25, 2011, 7:16 am

Ronnie is really harsh. Why do you think that is? Oh, and I like the book you choose!

Dic 2, 2011, 10:40 am

"The Last Song"
Nicholas Sparks

Summary: After Ronnie tells Will to leave her alone, you can tell she is heart-broken. Ronnie and Jonah's mom come to pick them up, because it's the end of the summer now. When their mom gets there Ronnie is waiting outside for her mom and as she see's her pull up she runs over to her mom and gives her a hug and starts crying. Ronnie then confronts her mother that she isn't going to be returning home. She decided to stay with her dad through the long haul. Jonah leaves and is very upset having to say goodbye to his dad knowing that it would most likely be the last time he would ever see him again. Ronnies father is getting worse and worse each day. He suddenly can't play the piano anymore, or on the peice he was working on. So, he closes the piano top and gets up to go sit in the porch. Ronnie looks at the peice and it's wrote for her. She starts playing it and starts working on it for her dad. At the very end, when she finally finishes it.. Her dad spills a cup of water and she immediately knows, he's gone.
At the funeral Ronnie plays the peice she finished for him, and Jonahs peice at the church is put in. Will and his family show up at the funeral and Ronnie was thankful for that. A few days later, when she's packing up the house, she see's Will outside. She runs out, and they realize that they are ment to be together. Will decides to transfer to a college next to Julliard where he says "so the girl I love can watch me make a few more mistakes."

PEARL: This relates to American history by the reoccurance of everyday challenges and then overcoming them in the end of all of it. The book started with good morals then some bad but some good and it ended with all good morals in the end. Although Ronnies father died, she's a new person and she's overcome the hardest thing in her life. It shows the American Dream by the way the book ends.. Where Ronnie goes off to Juliard and Will transfers to be with her, and to be in the college he wanted to be in from the start.

Dic 2, 2011, 10:52 am

Sounds as good as the movie!

Dic 6, 2011, 7:52 pm

Do you think the book or the movie is more sad?