Breaking Dawn

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Breaking Dawn

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Nov 21, 2011, 10:56 am

Breaking Dawn
Stephanie Meyer
Pages: 1-100
Summary: Bella and Edward tell Renee and Charlie that they are getting married. It goes better than they expected, they are both very understanding and were expecting it. Bella lets Alice plan the wedding. At the reception of the wedding Jacob comes to suprise Bella. She is really happy he came until they start arguing about Bella becoming a vampire and Jacob turns into a wolf. They are in the dark so no one notices. He leaves and they go back to the party. Edward and Bella leave to go to the honeymoon. Bella starts to have dreams about The Voltury and a vampire child that she is trying to protect. The story really has no historical signifigance because it is like a fairy tale, but for what the fairytale is they have made up their own history about the werewolves and vampires treaties.

Nov 25, 2011, 7:18 am

Do you prefer the book or the movie?

Dic 4, 2011, 5:16 pm

I havent seen the movie yet.

Modificato: Dic 6, 2011, 7:45 pm

Breaking Dawn
Stephanie Meyer
Pages: 100-200
Summary: Bella thinks that she is pregnant so Edward makes her go home to see Carlisle. She is pregnant and Carlsile says that she will die before she can deliver the baby, but she would rather die than kill the baby. They tell Charlie that the are still on their honeymoon and he doesnt know anything about the baby. When Jake finds out that she is pregnant, he wants to kill Edward but Sam wont let him so he leaves the pack. He goes to the Cullens house and tries to convince Bella not to have it. Bella is happy about having the baby and isnt worried about dying so it can live. Everone except Bella and Rosealie kepp calling the baby an it, and she doesnt like it.

Modificato: Dic 5, 2011, 12:22 am

I just saw the movie and i actually think i like it better than the book. But I like that in the book you know what Bella is thinking alot more than in the movie. I usually like books more than their movies but i think this movie was alot more exciting than the book.

Dic 10, 2011, 6:17 pm

Do you think Bella is being fair to Edward? I mean, afterall, it's very likely she'll die if she keeps they baby, and so Edward would lose his wife not even a year after their marriage.

Dic 16, 2011, 10:33 am

I think in Bella's mind she doing the right thing, she is giving up her life for the baby's. But Edward thinks he could never love anything that would kill Bella. I think Bella Is doing the right thing even though it would be really hard for her to do it. I think Edward should be more understanding about her wanting to have the baby, and try to look at it from her perspective. If Bella would die he would at least have the baby. He needs to understand how she feels about it and be more understanding.

Dic 16, 2011, 10:39 am

Yes but Edward is looking at it from his point of view he feels like it's his fault that he did this to her and being as she might die from it he's going to blame himself he doesn't want to loose his wife, they just got married. how would you feel being in Edward's shoes?

Dic 16, 2011, 10:50 am

I agree with both of you for different reasons, i believe that its right to want to keep the baby alive, but Bella could be alot more considerate of Edwards feeling, and help him to not blame his self for what has happened.

Dic 19, 2011, 12:16 am

I have heard this movie is really good from so many people! Now i want to watch the movie and read the book!

Dic 19, 2011, 12:26 am

I think you should read the book first, the movie is good but the book is way better.

Dic 19, 2011, 12:43 am

Breaking Dawn
Stephanie Meyer
Pages: 100-200
Charlie tells Jacob that Bella called and said she is sick so they wont be coming home for a while. Jacob goes over to the Cullens house to see if Bella is actually sick because he thinks that Edward hurt her. When he gets there he sees that Bella is pregnant and gets mad. Edward wants Jacob to convince Bella o not havethe baby. He is even willing to let her be with Jacob just so that she will live. Jacob knows she will say no, but he asks her.She wants to have the baby even if she dies. It must have been really hard for Edward to say that she could be with Jacob and it just shows how much he loves her.