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Modificato: Dic 9, 2011, 10:58 am

Mike Lupica pgs 1-100 Jon is a new kid to school and he wants to join the summer league baseball team. He doesnt have many friends because he is Puerto Rican and many of the kids in his town are white and arent used to darker kids. But Jon is different, he is amazing at baseball. The first day at practice he proves to his coach that he cna be the allstar player for their team. The first game of the season Jon pitches 7 straight shutout innings. What a great player for being new to town and not having any friends.
Mike Lupica
pgs 200-302(end of book) By the time Jons team finishes out the summer league for their baseball team they are undefeated and one of the top ranked teams in their state and the country. When the first playoff game of the season comes around in August, Jon is ready to go and his team is ready to shut down the red jackets. But one day at practice a car pulls up to the baseball field where Jon is having batting practice with fellow teammates. The man in the car walks up to Jons coach and tells him that he thinks that Jon is way to good for his age group and that he demands a birth certificate from him. When the man in the car leaves Jons coach walks up to Jon and explains the situation. Jon acts like everything is ok but what the coach and others dont know is that his parents died a few months ago and his older brother that is 17 years old has to take care of Jon. If the adoption agency finds out they can take Jon away from his guardian... his older brother. So Jon races home to explain to his brother the situation. His brother tells him the bad news that they dont have his birth certificate. That his birth certificate is with his uncle in California. They are currently in Bronx New York. But Jons Uncle sends out his birth certificate in the mail and Jon is cleared by the Youth baseball corporation of america. So Jons team finishes the season being 13-3 in the whole season, they also win the state championship in first place. (end of book) In my opinion i think that Jon should have contacted the adoption agency because then he doesnt have to deal with stress and actually have a good family that will take care of his brother and he. It would also give him better opportunities for life and schooling.

Dic 5, 2011, 3:26 pm

That's it? Plot summary? That isn't really a response to literature.

Dic 16, 2011, 10:45 am

Jonah and his best friend chip start recieving threatening notes in themail, thye are confused with this mystery. With the help of Jonahs sister Katherine, they discover that the notes may be connected to the wierd circumstances surrounding Jonahs and Chips adoptions. They are both members of a family of this era with 5 children. One problem, in this era each family is only allowed 2 kids per family. If the government finds out they will kill the youngest. They dont know who to go to or trust in this situation. They try to find and discover the secrets behind these threatening notes and emails. If i was in this situation and was getting threatening emails i would want to go to the cops and straighten the situation out. But then again i wouldnt want to because if the police came to my house i wouldnt want them to find out about the 3 extra kids and then they would kill them. SO i wouldnt know what to do in this situation.