The Wedding

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The Wedding

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Modificato: Nov 11, 2011, 3:23 pm

Nicholas Sparks
Pages 1-100
Wilson Lewis has been married to his wife for 29 years, but somehow they've drifted apart; and now she doesn't seem to love him anymore. Together, they have three children who's names are Anna, Josheph and Leslie. The reason why, perhaps they aren't as crazy about eachother anymore is because they live seperate lives - He's a lawyer for a law firm called Saxon and Ambassody, while she's a teacher at an Elementary School. Their careers could symbolize that Wilson is a serious, and reserved man; wheres Jane (his wife) is playful and a kind hearted woman. At one point his wife decided to go visit their Son in Queens, New York without him. And once she came home, he said that he's happy that she is back, but the only thing she said in response is "I know you are"; and in my opinion that shows that she doesn't feel as strongly as she used to about Wilson; but instead wishes she could spend some more time away. Also, Jane's feelings are hurt when Wilson forgets about their 29th Anniversary "Dad, did you really forget your anniversary with Mom? It really hurt her feelings" backs this up; so basically this is all an example of what Wilson being too busy at his job does to him, and that's neglecting people he loves. E: Throughout this selection of pages it does suggest how to live a moral life, and that's by having a successful career, doing good in school, as well as putting time aside to hang out with family; so they don't feel like whoever doesn't care. A: The theme is that neglecting family can lead to whoever having great regret. Later on in the book Wilson visits Jane's Dad Noah, who is married to Allie, who in which suffers from Alzhiemers now, (Noah and Allie are from Nicholas Spark's book "The Notebook"). While there he asks him for advice, and he said to "do something unexpected, and spontaneous" for his wife. P: This selection fits into American History because couples have had to go through times where their marriages have been in peril because they've been to busy with their careers, and have had to find their way back to being in love; all within America (and other countries and continents obviously too).

Nov 11, 2011, 10:50 am

Good blog! You use some big words too:P Your a very smart girl.

Nov 11, 2011, 10:52 am

sounds like real life for alot of people, very interesting

Nov 11, 2011, 3:28 pm

Lippy-Junior: Thanks! @Black102: Yeah, Nicholas Sparks tends to write his stories very realistically.

Nov 13, 2011, 7:35 pm

This actually sounds like a really good book! Nicholas Sparks is a really good Author!

Nov 14, 2011, 7:51 am

Nicholas Sparks
Anna, Wilson's and Jane's oldest daughter is getting married and because of this Jane goes insane thinking of the different locations the wedding could be held at. By doing this Jane symbolizes her love for her daughter and wanting her to have the best memories possible. At dinner, Wilson trys making a conversation with Jane because he feels they're drifting apart and so he talks about Anna and Keith's wedding, and about what Jospeh and Leslie have been doing lately. But this time, when it was his turn to cook dinner, he actually cooked some pretty impressive food and his wife commented. Thinking back, Wilson remembers memories with his wife, like when they first kissed, their first date, and when he first took her on a tour of his University Duke, all while he was studying to become a lawyer. Obviously, this symbolizes that Wilson cares deeply for Jane, and that he treasures their relationship. Then all suddenly, Wilson thinks of the perfect place for Anna and Keith's wedding (since they don't want anything to fancy, and just want to keep it low key) which is Noah's house in New Bern. Why it's so perfect is because it flourishing with flowers, and is surrounded by wild life which can be seen anywhere in a way that just makes the place beautifal and romantic. By thinking of this idea, it symbolizes that Wilson is good at thinking of ideas and is just as concerned about his daughter having everything she wants for her wedding. P: This fits into American History because mothers, especially here, have always wanted to give their children the best wedding they could muster, "Anyway, the first thing we did was discuss possible photographers - someone a lot more qualified than me" this proves that Jane wants everything to be of high quality and well done for her daughter's wedding. E: At one point these pages told the reader how to live a moral life, and that's by if whoever is married of course - to love their spouse as much as they can, "I never loved anyone but you" is a good example because it shows Wilson's strong emotions for his wife. A: The theme is that when parents are having a child who is getting married they begin to think really hard of the details, " I know where we should have the wedding", and then Leslie asked "Where?" and Wilson replied by saying "At Noah's house, under the trellis by the roses" these quotes prove that Wilson and Jane were thinking (and concentrating for that matter) really hard of where the wedding should be held at.

Nov 14, 2011, 7:53 am

ckaren14 I thought so to when I was reading the book's summary, and I would say so since many of his books have been turned into movies.

Modificato: Nov 21, 2011, 3:47 pm

Nicholas Sparks
Book Review
As a reader, you would defaintly receive some enjoyment from this book if you read The Notebook as well. The genre is romance, but also drama because throughout the book the reader is worrying if Noah's going to die or not, and if he'll be able to make it to Anna's wedding. I'd rate this story as a 7 (out of 10), because it does keep the reader's attention, but at points the reader has no idea if Wilson is having a memory from the past or if he's experiencing something in his life right now. While you're reading The Wedding you can tell that Jane is obsessed with giving Anna the perfect wedding, "Can you take care of the caterar and where the wedding's going to be? Me and Anna have to find the perfect dress, which will take us a couple days", this symbolizes that Jane loves her daughter very much and wants her to have the best memories possible from her wedding. Another thing that happens throughout the book is Wilson fighting for his wife, and to keep their marriage "I know that I've been neglective and not the best husband towards my wife, but I love her and don't want to lose her", this quote symbolizes that Wilson is aware of his faults but is willing to do what it takes to save his marriage. One last significant event that occured is Noah tripping over a branch on his daily visit to a swan that spends its time swimming in a pond, which he is convinced is his wife. For this very reason, (thinking that the swan is his wife Allie) it symbolizes that he has a deep love for his wife and a hard time accepting her death. And for those readers who are worried he seriously hurt himself, he did because he broke some of his leg and back bones, but he wasn't left alone without medical attention for long because a nurse came by in a few minutes and brought him to a hospital. P: This entire book fits into American History because it discusses Wilson (the father) wanting to provide a good life for his family by earning a good living from his career "I knew being a lawyer would require a lot of sacrifice and time away from my family but I wanted to make sure that my family has the best life possible" this symbolizes that Wilson cares about his children's future and is also concerned about making a fair amount of money. E: This book does suggest how to live a moral life, which is by being romantic to the man or woman that a person is in a relationship with, "I would do totally unexpected and spontaneous surprises that are romantic because I knew it made her happy" this symbolizes that Noah cares a lot about his wife's happiness and wants. A: The theme is that a person has to put work into their relationships and time a side to spend time with that specific person they're in a relationship with because otherwise the person they're in a relationship with will not care as much about them anymore " It seems that over the years, in which i've had to spend more and more time in the office, that my wife has become more isolated whenever I'm around" this symbolizes that the more a person neglects another, the less social that person will be willing to be towards them.

Dic 5, 2011, 4:49 pm

So, Natalie. Is it possible to have a career and stay connected with family and friends - or is it a choice? Pick one or the other or lose both. This would appear to be a continual problem with American culture. Americans work more days than almost any other culture. Do you see that causing our disconnect in families? Is that the price of capitalism?

Dic 10, 2011, 6:39 pm

I believe it's a choice because if you have a high scale career, it's going to require your full attention and commitment. And more than likely, if you lose the career, you won't be able to get your family and friends back because their feelings will be hurt too much. Yes, I do see it as what's causing the disconnect in families (specifically American) because at some point, a person will get sick of being neglected and just drop their relationship with the other person who's so busy. I'd say so yes, because an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit will come at a expensive price for some people's personal lives.

Dic 11, 2011, 10:24 pm

Does every person who is involved in the lives of a busy worker always leave them? i know plenty of people who stuck with their spose because times only got easier.

Dic 22, 2011, 5:32 pm

It depends on the person's personality and how much neglect they can handle; but what you're saying is true, not everyone who is busy with their career have people who leave them.