"Dear John"

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"Dear John"

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Modificato: Ott 9, 2011, 8:54 pm

"Dear John"
Nicholas Sparks
Pages 1-100
Summary: John comes back from the army. Before he left he was a different person. When he arrives people treat him like a bad person, although it appears clearly that he has changed. He meets a girl named Savanah when her bag falls into a lake and John dives into the water to get it.
P: This fits into American history by how people were treated when they came over to America.
E: It provides a moral theme. The characters John and Savanah are very caring people that want seem to have the best interests in life.
A: This relates to how people were treated back then. As in the story John is treated porely when he comes back and takes savanah on a date. This is comparable to when people were discriminated.
R: ?
L: ?
Vocab: ?

Ott 15, 2011, 11:19 am

How does Savannah react after he dives into the lake to grab her bag? Also, that's pretty nice to do for a person that the other person doesn't even know.

Ott 20, 2011, 12:16 am

I loved the movie and the book to this! I would have to say that the book was waaaaay better then the movie though!

Ott 20, 2011, 12:53 am

"Dear John"
Nicholas Sparks
Pages: 101-200
Summary: Savanah and John start building a very significant relationship. They start falling in love. John goes back to the army and Savanah goes to college. Leaving they remember each other on every night that there is full moon, knowing that no matter where they were the moon was always as big as there thumbs, never bigger, never smaller. John comes back for a weekend and goes to see Savanah at college when they get into an enormous fight.
P: This fits into American History by how people would go and serve for there country in the army and, or navy.
E: It provides a very moral theme still, however when Savanah and John get into a fight it changes the theme into something not moral.
A: This relates to what people had to go through when they were going and leaving to go home and back to a different country where war was. It's a very hard position to be in.
R: ?
L: ?
Vocab: ?

Ott 23, 2011, 10:35 pm

Extra Credit Blog
"Dear John"
Nicholas Sparks
Pages 200-298
Summary: John gets a letter from Savanah explaining that she has fallen in love with someone else. John writes back to her, but he gets nothing back. John doesn't realize why and seems to be very frustrated and confused. John moves on with serving more time in the army as if it seems like he doesn't have much else in life to look forward to now that Savanah broke his heart. John is called back to the states because his dad has taken an unfortunate turn of health and dies. John goes back to get everything straightened out with the passing of his dad. He also goes and visits Savanah when he comes to find that she had started the dream she wanted with her horse farm, and that she is married to the guy he thought was all for Savanah and John being together. John sells all his dads coins except one. John says goodbye to Savanah and goes back to fight for his country. Shortly after he recieves a letter from Savanah, and it is known that her husband died from cancer. John then gets released from his contract with the army and comes back to the states once again, and meets with Savanah in the end.
P: This fits into American History by symbolism of the coin that John keeps after his dads passing.
E: It provides a both themes, there kind of bitter-sweet. There are some pretty drastic things that both Savanah and John had to take on. The moral part comes at the end when everything is like how they fell in love in the beginning.
A: The coin relates to the kind of things were symbolized back then.
R: ?
L: ?

Ott 23, 2011, 10:37 pm

Overall summary of book:
This book I enjoyed very much. I liked it because it kind of relates to what people go through when they go to the army or navy.. When they leave there family behind, it's not always easy even though it may be the best thing for yourself. The passion that John and Savanah share inspires me. On a scales from 1-10. I'd give this book a 9!

Ott 28, 2011, 1:05 pm

mlynnw - Adding your review of the book was a nice touch.

Ott 30, 2011, 6:50 pm

mlynnw, this is one of my favorite books. im glad you liked it :)

Ott 31, 2011, 12:43 pm

i like the story better than the movie cause it is more relistic

Nov 3, 2011, 6:19 pm

Do you think that joining the U.S. Military is really worth it though? Even when it costs you someone you love? (In John and Savannah's case).

Dic 21, 2011, 12:51 pm

well she met him while he was stilll in the service and you cant just leave the military you have to wait till your contract is over. No i dont think its worth it, but in my opinoin i think that when it comes to love I and the military had a good future in store for me than i would take the military and wait til my term is over and than be concerned with love.