Fess up. Was this you?

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Fess up. Was this you?

Questa conversazione è attualmente segnalata come "addormentata"—l'ultimo messaggio è più vecchio di 90 giorni. Puoi rianimarla postando una risposta.

Mar 12, 2011, 1:02 pm

I saw this news clip and had to post it.

Good Book Gets Bad Driver Caught. They have not mentioned the title of the book.

I wonder what he was reading.

Mar 12, 2011, 1:19 pm

I am innocent. But I am curious as to which book and why he did not just buy the book on tape?

Mar 19, 2011, 5:17 pm

Mar 20, 2011, 4:01 pm

I just knew it had to be a LibraryThing member! (Just kidding) That was quite the article. Thanks for sharing!

Mar 20, 2011, 4:04 pm

>2 Mareofthesea: If you read number 3 maybe listening to books are just as dangerous. ;)
But I agree, actually reading a book while driving is not very smart.

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