I'd like this group to...

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I'd like this group to...

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Dic 12, 2010, 2:21 pm

Strange as it feels, this group is ours to mold as we see fit. We choose the topics. We run the discussions. We can decide if we want to have recurring discussions (like What are you reading now? What's your favorite book this month/year?), if we want to rant and how, how we welcome new members.

What would you like to see in this group?

Dic 12, 2010, 2:28 pm

I'd like to see some discussion about favourite books, authors, and genres. I don't always read all of the posts in eternally long "what are you reading now?" posts but I would love to hear if you are particularly enjoying something.

Most of all I'd like to get to know some other people who enjoy LibraryThing as much as I do.

Dic 12, 2010, 3:13 pm

Yea I know what you mean. I want a place I can actually talk about a book, why I like or hate it. I also want everyone that is here to feel as welcome as possible.

Dic 12, 2010, 4:53 pm

I agree with VivienneR & ladylenneth - The "what are you reading now" threads seem to be simply a long list of what each person is reading without much actual discussion, and what little discussion there is is hard to find, since the threads quickly become very long. I'd love to chat about what people are reading too!

Modificato: Dic 13, 2010, 4:23 pm

This might be slightly off topic. I think this group will be a wonderful starting point for new LT users. A place to dip their feet in and test the waters. Get to know other people before jumping in to well-established groups, where, at times it can seem a bit unwelcoming or intimidating. I don't think it is unwelcoming, it is just that the people there are comfortable in their place and a new person isn't. So, it may seem that way.

I am sure that many people from here will jump out into the other groups after time as someone mentioned on another thread. I spend a lot of time reading other group talk. I want to learn more about politics, religion and history. I find the conversation so interesting. I just don't like arguing over everything.

I read another post here where someone said they can see value both sides of a topic under debate. I think that is the case with me. I would be swinging on both sides, and it would make me look like I was just there to stir things up. But I am open minded, even if I think or believe one thing, I don't expect that others should have to. So having light-hearted discussion is more to my liking.

I would love for some of the more frequent posters to not lurk here and join in. I realize they are quite comfortable with the more aggressive debates, and that's fine. I love a good debate, sometimes there is nothing better than that to get the juices flowing. I value other peoples thoughts and opinions. Especially when they are more knowledgeable and have something to share. There may be times when someone wants to talk without strong debate, to share something or add to it. This can be that place.

It's not like either group of people have to be confined to one spot or another. There is now a choice whether you feel like sitting back for one type of discussion or another. I don't want other groups to feel offended by having a quieter, less argumentative group. But not everyone is up for that.

Having a choice is a good thing, and I look forward to this group growing. Thank you so much for starting it!

Dic 14, 2010, 2:10 pm

I would like to see discussions of shared books, without the grammar police or anyone making anyone else feel stupid about their opinion.
Thanks for this group BTW.

Gen 3, 2011, 7:11 am

I too joined LT to primarily discuss books in common or books curious about...seen some interesting titles....so I planted a few groups, one for my local area in California, found 8 or 9 other LTers to talk about books with, and I will start a book talk on a book I am interested in, give a deadline for members to join for discussion, if no interest, just delete the group and try something else.

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