Personaggi dei libri per splmaine

Personaggi nei libri della biblioteca di splmaine

Aidan Appleton

Alden Dinsmore

Alice Appleton

Alice Builder

Alva Drake

Andrea Grinnell

Andy Sanders

Angie McCain

Anson Wheeler

Benny Drake

Billly Debec

Bishop Richard

Bob Kaufman

Bob Roux

Brenda Perkins

Brother Godwyn

Buonaventura Caroli

Caris Wooler

Carolyn Sturges

Carter Thibidoux

Catherine Earnshaw

Catherine Linton

Chuck Thompson

Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 106-43 BC

Clare McClatchey

Claudette Sanders

Dale Barbara

Daniel Tammet

Dodee Sanders

Dougie Twitchell

Earl Roland

Ed Cooke

Edgar Freemantle

Edgar Linton

Edmund Wooler

Elfric Builder

Elizabeth Eastlake

Elsa Andrews

Ernie Calvert

Fernald Bowie

Frances Earnshaw

Frank DeLesseps

Freddy Denton

George Frederick

Georgia Roux

Gina Buffalino

Ginny Tomlinson

Griselda Builder

Gwenda Wigleigh

Hareton Earnshaw

Harriet Bigelow


Hindley Earnshaw

Horace Greeley

Howard Perkins

Ilse Freemantle

Isaac Bell

Isabella Linton


Jack Builder

Jack Cale

Jack Cantori

Jack Evans

Jack Reacher

Jackie Wettington

Janelle Everett

Jerome Wireman

Jim Rennie Jr.

Jim Rennie Sr.

Joby Wigleigh

Joe Boxer

John Constable, the town constable

Johnny Carver

Joseph McClatchey

Joseph Van Dorn

Judy Everett

Julia Shumway

Kim Peek

Linda Everett

Lissa Jamieson

Liza Hempstock



Marty Arsenault

Melvin Searles

Merthin Fitzgerald

Myra Evans

Nelly Dean

Nobody 'Bod' Owens

Nora Robichaud

Norrie Calvert

Ollie Dinsmore

Pam Freemantle

Paul Bushey

Paul Gendron

Pete Freeman

Peter Randolph


Philemon Wigleigh


Prior Anthony

Prior Philip

Ralph Fitzgerald

Reverend Lester Coggins

Reverend Piper Libby

Roger Killian

Romeo Burpee

Ron Haskell

Rory Dinsmore

Rose Twitchell

Rupert Libby

Rusty Everett

Sam Verdreaux

Samantha Bushey

Scarlett Amber Perkins

Signor Owens

Signora Owens

Signorina Lupescu


Sim Chapman

Simonides of Ceos

Sir Gerald

Solomon Veniaminovich Shereshevsky

Stacy Moggin

Stewart Bowie

Stubby Norman

Tam Hiding

Thomas Langley

Thurston Marshall

Toby Whelan

Tommy Anderson

Tony Buzan

Tony Guay

Walter Bushey

Wanda Debec

Willow Anderson
