Serie dei libri per UConnHistoryDept

Serie a cui appartengono i libri della biblioteca di UConnHistoryDept

Riepilogo: 30 Serie

Augusten Burroughs autobiographies

Auschwitz Trilogy

Bedford Series in History and Culture

California Studies in Critical Human Geography

The Complete Operas of

The Focus Vergil Aeneid Commentaries

Fontana History of the Ancient World

Grazia dei Rossi novels

History of Rome

The History of Sexuality

History of the Later Roman Empire

Homer's Epic Cycle

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Modern History

Latin for All Occasions

New Departures in Anthropology

Out of the Hitler Time

Oxford Histories

Oxford Illustrated History

The Penguin History of the United States

Politics and Society in Modern America

The Public Square

Published for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture

Routledge History of the Ancient World

Sather Classical Lectures

Storia economica d'Italia [Cariplo / Laterza]

Thinking Gender

Urban Life And Urban Landscape

Vergil : Aeneid : Ganiban

Wheelock's Latin Series

Yale Language Series