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La mia biblioteca
On LibraryThing, I try to track the books I have read. The names of the categories are pretty self explanatory.

On my shelves at home, my books are sorted by the Dewey Decimal. One exception: I also sort by country after I sorted by language (for example: my Flemish books are separated from my Dutch books).
Informazione su di me
Hello I am Tamára and I love to read.
The Netherlands
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Librerie: Athenaeum Boekhandel, Bültmann & Gerriets, Boekhandel Het Colofon, Broese Boekverkopers, Daan Nijman, De Omslag, De Vries Van Stockum, The American Book Center

Biblioteche: Bibliotheek Norg, Bibliotheek Roden, Forum Groningen