
anatomy (3), natural medicine (3), astrology (3), nature (3), chinese medicine (3), differential diagnosis (2), diagnosis (2), astrological education (2), gardening (2), physiology (2), personal development (2), herbal medicine (2), covey (2), treatment (2), success (2), alternative medicine (2), herbs (2), holistic medicine (2), traditional chinese medicine (2), photographic atlas of the body (1), plant spirits (1), dead lab (1), experiential medicine (1), anthrosophy (1), materia medica (1), modern chinese (1), the scientific revolution (1), parenting (1), children (1), difficult years (1), language anarchy (1), six conformations (1), rudolf steiner (1), asian cooking (1), chinese language (1), pacific northwest (1), power (1), cold damage (1), classical chinese medicine (1), sartwell (1), destiny calculation (1), special topics in astrology (1), chiron (1), independent living (1), margaret hone (1), applied astrology (1), off-grid (1), permaculture (1), chinese herbs (1), philosophy of language (1), family (1), language (1), families (1), science (1), feminism (1), land (1), business (1), outdoors (1), agriculture (1), asteroids (1), guidebook (1), environmentalism (1), veganism (1), vegan (1), cookbook (1), cooking herbs (1), environmental philosophy (1), massage therapy (1), living with others (1), vegan cooking (1), hardcover (1), macintyre (1), medical text (1), moral theory (1), dictionary (1), building (1), philosophy (1), attitude (1), positivity (1), medical school (1), hiking (1), classical chinese (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
May 3, 2006
Nome vero
La mia biblioteca
Eclectic, mostly focused on what I'm learning at the moment: Chinese medicine and astrology. Other than that, it's a smattering of what I've needed to learn over the years. I don't buy books I don't want to keep.
Informazione su di me
I am currently a student of Classical Chinese Medicine in Portland, OR. I have a family and consider myself to be both an environmentalist and a writer. I did my undergrad in Philosophy and Biology and I am currently writing my thesis for a Masters in Applied Ethics.
Portland, OR
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