
1a (148), 1b (139), fic (134), 1c (131), hist (130), naut (78), coll (62), verse (58), top (55), ham (48), parlour (46), nat hist (41), fh (36), 2b (29), swe (27), 2a (26), biog (24), lit (22), india (21), landscape (21), lang (21), ssx (21), field guides (19), travel (18), chs (15), tree (15), eng (14), birds (14), qr (13), c17 (12), med (12), africa (12), irl (11), as (11), london (10), ref (10), usa (10), eur (9), crime (9), swahili (9), one (8), asia (8), 2c (8), c18 (8), art (7), ideas (7), iron (6), archaeology (6), rural (6), handwork (6), eco (6), mdx (6), technology (5), drama (5), garden (5), sfk (5), her (5), food (5), scand (5), lore (5), nog (4), flowers (4), weather (4), nz (4), ger (4), fungi (4), rf (4), sagas (4), escher (3), c19 (3), myth (3), architecture (3), shit (3), pacific (3), nl (3), res (3), trees (3), ess (3), bahamas (2), rom (2), latin (2), dev (2), icel (2), craft (2), c16 (2), butterflies (2), costume (2), names (2), thames (2), wood (2), sport (2), pl (2), scot (2), cragt (1), prehist (1), biblio (1), orkney (1), ice (1), fid (1), usa c17 (1), gre (1), dk (1), wark (1), top. eng (1), rus (1), naut; 1c (1), field guide (1), wls (1), childrens (1), alignments (1), gr (1), whales (1), universal (1), river (1), computing (1), cricket (1), bronze age (1), genetics (1), empire (1), kit (1), poetry (1), his (1), dan (1), c20 (1), kitchen (1), history (1), schools (1), ken (1), stars (1), dylanology (1), con (1), mus (1), dor (1), fra (1), hair (1), lin (1), baltic (1), cam (1), things (1), population (1), pol (1), worthy (1), castle (1), school (1), croquet (1), vikings (1), canals (1), 9781910807378 (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Nov 20, 2005
La mia biblioteca
Before I moved about twenty boxes of books (a lot of them fiction) went to Oxfam. I am now trying to sort out the rump. Until I do the library will look unbalanced. As a quondam cataloguer I delight in the creation of my own taxonomy but I reckon I will have to run through the collection a couple or three times before it starts to crystalize.
Informazione su di me
I'm a former librarian now making chairs in rural West Sussex.
W 0°50'.5 N 51°00'.4
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Biblioteca interessante