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Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Apr 17, 2006
La mia biblioteca
Since I've been working in a public library, I've been downsizing my home collection quite a lot - especially in the popular fiction and ready reference areas. Most of the books I have now are rare books, special-interest material (especially school-related) and things I just couldn't bear to see thrown away when they were weeded for lack of circulation. And also the occasional gem that I've re-read many times, and just have to be able to grab when I can't sleep at 3 am.

A few tag notes:

temp: items on long-term loan from friends, semester loans from my college library, or other items that have entered my collection for at least six months.

library: these are books that live at my workplace but I think of as "mine," either because I donated them (and plan to grab them back when they're weeded!), or because I'm one of the only patrons who ever checks them out, or because I check them out at least four times a year, consistently.

want: these are books that I have already read and intend to buy just as soon as I have the funds. They're not "gee, I'd like to buy someday"; these are high priority purchases.
Informazione su di me
I am a paraprofessional librarian (ILL clerk, cataloguer, assistant collection manager, sometime IT flunky, and general tech services gopher) in a small, friendly town somewhere in the Southwestern United States. I'm also a working artist and a liberal arts BA student on an MFA track at Goddard College. I work mainly in textiles but I'm also a semi-amateur photographer (which is to say that I've done some jobs for money, and woudn't turn down the opportunity, but the level of competition in Western landscape and architectural photography is a stress I don't need in my life).

I love books, read widely and across many genre (though especially literary nonfiction and sci-fi), and am always on the lookout for a good book review. I'm an off-and-on member of the Society for Creative Anachronism (off at the moment - full-time job plus full-time school plus no shires within 50 miles equals major lack of opportunity). Most of my spare time is spent with my family or in my studio.

I'm third generation Lithuanian-American, and can read and speak enough Lithuanian to struggle through my favorite poets, Nijole Miliauskaite and Tomas Venclova, with the help of my trusty Routledge dictionary. If you're a really serious textile geek, e-mail me about the textiles book translation project I did for school in 2004.

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