
animals (45), Australian animals (30), board book (30), fiction (29), rhyme (17), emotions (11), insects (10), sounds (9), feelings (9), teacher resource (9), water safety (9), humour (9), facts (8), sea animals (8), ocean (8), diversity (8), family (8), numbers (7), Christmas (7), counting (7), friendship (7), life cycles (7), aboriginal (7), food (7), Easter (6), picture book (6), beach (6), nursery rhymes (6), farm (6), animal (5), garden (5), bedtime (5), baby animal (5), Charlie and Lola (5), friends (5), space (5), toys (5), adventure (4), dinosaur (4), trucks (4), music (4), fairies (4), Art (4), child safety (4), relationship (4), dogs (4), teamwork (4), culture (4), dinosaurs (4), gardening (3), fish (3), cooking (3), Thomas and friends series (3), rescue (3), plants (3), disney (3), sustainability (3), mother (3), stickers (3), machines (3), reptile (3), egg (3), Vehicles (3), Indigenous (3), colours (3), play (3), Part of the SAFE book series (3), travel (3), courage (3), behavior (3), cooperation (3), maps (3), school (3), pets (3), humor (3), games (3), pop culture (3), world (3), imagination (3), non-fiction (3), bugs (3), dog (3), letters (2), Board book (2), Instructions (2), sealife (2), facial expressions (2), Constellations (2), French humor (2), Disney Fairies (2), hatched (2), Insect (2), routine (2), engines (2), coral (2), magic (2), Activity (2), coloring book (2), Anzac (2), recycle (2), Construction vehicles (2), animals baby (2), Chinese-English (2), Paint (2), crafts (2), Lebanon (2), Mirror (2), sunscreen (2), bullying (2), character (2), cub (2), fear (2), art (2), Non-fiction (2), arts and crafts (2), transport (2), Australian music (2), senses (2), eggs (2), fantasy (2), park (2), grandparent (2), Fairies (2), Bears (2), lizard (2), Food Allergies (2), HOLIDAY (2), turtle eggs (2), action rhyme (2), India (2), prey (2), sea (2), problem solving (2), seasons (2), poetry (2), farm animals (2), math (2), Cassy (2), flowers (2), actions (2), conservation (2), natural disasters (2), swim (2), nature (2), bird (2), penguins (2), Croaky the frog (2), polar bears (2), caterpillar (2), responsibility (2), hidden (2), Pig series (2), explore (2), dream (2), birth (2), Aboriginal (2), sun safe (2), Australia Day (1), War (1), Cats (1), not all the books contain relevant keywords. Many wonderful teachers here know the books by heart. The search can only be better and better with everyone's help. It's quick and easy. Here's how. ( attached Improve search ppt) ------- ----not posting these (1), we can utilise the features from the LibraryThing. 'Collection' can be used to tell us ' It's not in the library but it could be in Nursery room or in the small yard.' This can save others' time to go through the 'C' books to find out the The Cat in the H (1), childhood trauma expressed through art (1), Greek (1), Bilingual (1), date of return by .... --—— For preschoolers experiencing old way of borrowing can stick the library pockets on the particular books they borrow? Indigenous (1), date of borrowing (1), Covid 19 resources (1), Germany (1), Australian plants (1), waste/recycling (1), children (1), Deadly reads (1), Children in our World series (1), Italy (1), NSW Health (1), Mouse and animal friends (1), Flags (1), crocodile eggs (1), most books are in the library while some are in the rooms and the yard. I'm wondering how we would like the borrowing/book tracking to look like. One suggestion (1), Bulls parade (1), honey ants (1), original inhabitants (1), goanna (1), cassowary (1), animal senses (1), stumble (1), animal friends (1), Natural disaster (1), eggshell (1), wild fruits (1), grubs (1), learning to walk (1), feely books (1), Traditional tales (1), learning to climb (1), Cow (1), Polly ------------------ Update 2. Library loan system. Now (1), Kings (1), feel free to drop it in the book return basket. Someone will put it away. Add me is the basket for new books ( or old books ) that haven't been labelled/ categorised. Fix me is the basket for books that need repair as well as pages/pieces of books you fin (1), Diversity (1), the shelf is the best place to return the book. If you're in a rush (1), pupate (1), Phases of the moon (1), Party (1), Battle of the Titans (1), taking risks (1), Croaky (1), secure relationship (1), safe distance (1), Hercules (1), Mouse (1), Nipper (1), baby crocodile (1), Solar System (1), hunting (1), USA (1), food chain (1), lizards (1), outback (1), cyclone (1), Indian Ocean (1), frogs (1), daddy (1), Japan (1), father (1), ballet (1), sensory (1), chores (1), stereotype (1), sea creatures (1), hunters (1), flags (1), hop (1), attractions (1), Bobby (1), protection (1), natives (1), farm life (1), universe (1), rivers (1), Spain (1), house (1), poison (1), China (1), forest (1), bees (1), dictionary (1), Teamwork (1), learn (1), moon (1), hiding (1), tiger (1), family conflicts (1), babies (1), Australia (1), Aboriginal Australians (1), caravan (1), Africa (1), sun (1), mangroves (1), Ramadan (1), itchy (1), birds (1), water conservation (1), scenes (1), people (1), practice (1), toucan (1), goddess (1), god (1), divorce (1), France (1), UK (1), crab (1), Night Sky (1), Gilbert (1), words (1), giants (1), sixth sense (1), brave (1), grit (1), feeling (1), pop up (1), predator (1), rainforest (1), mammal (1), anti-bullying (1), Dangerous (1), dress up (1), chick (1), wave (1), Cultures (1), hide and seek (1), outfit (1), empower (1), bushfood (1), Conflicts (1), food web (1), Torres Strait (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Sep 29, 2016
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