
clap (1), as well as sharing and the hard work that goes into making meals. (1), Early reader: I love the Amelia Bedelia series. She is a cooky house keeper that always gets herself into a misunderstanding or trouble. This one takes place at the library where she 'steals' the bookmobile for a bookstore visit. It was an adoriable read. (1), Early reader: Happy is the dog and Honey is the cat. Honey helps Happy find a bone. The illustrations were simple and minimal. I believe so it does not take away from the story. It was a cute and simple book on friendship. I liked it as an easy reader. I (1), Poetry: A collection of poems for girls. Neat idea but not one I would stock on my classroom shelves. I might read a handful of the poems to a class but most of the poems were blah. I do not think I would use this in my classroom although I may have it on (1), Poetry: A collection of artwork and poems by young teens and children. The illustrations were neat as they were done by kids and the poems were interesting. I would share a few poems with a class but mostly to encourage them to write. This would be good t (1), Concept/ picture book: This wordless picture book has beautiful illustrations as it tells a story of a woman trying to make pancakes. I loved the Tomie dePaola illustrations. He is one of my favorite illustrators. I love using this book in my preschool cl (1), for the story could bore most boys but is still a good read. (1), Hinky Pink. She needs to find the bed and finish the dresss in time for the Princesses ball. The story was cute and the illustrations by Brian Floca were artistic and cute. They looked like watercolor paintings and even incorporated real buildings from It (1), Folktale/ Picture book: A story of one man's simple sacrifice that saved hundreds of lives. The artwork was great. It was a hodge-podge of collage work. Everything was beautifully done and the story was a great reminder that one person can do great things (1), I would love to have this and other religous books to help teach diversity. (1), Myth/picture book: A poor boy and his grandmother find a sickly horse and nurse it back to health. The horse is magical and teaches the boy bravery and the lesson of obeying. Fantastic artwork that is true and honest to the Indian culture. Teaching differ (1), rituals and traditions. I found this book very helpful and interesting. It was a good brief intro to being Buddhist. I really enjoyed the quick peak at a different religion. I think it would be questionable to use in a classroom because it is about religi (1), Picture book/ Religion: A sweet and simple look at celebrating Passover. The Illustrations by Erin Eitter Kono were simple and perfect for the easy to understand text.This book is good for early grades and younger kids when talking about different holiday (1), helping to bring it back. The folktale was one I had never heard before and the pictures in the book were beautiful and based on the culture. This would be wonderful to teach children about folklore and cultural myths (1), Picture book: Pinkalicious feels alone because she seems to be the only one who likes pink until she meets a new girl in art class. The new girl uses pink to mix with blue to make purple. This book was artistic and sweet. My 3 year old daughter loves this (1), she turns pink! The illustrations are funny and sweet. My 3 year old daughter loves these books! I could use this at book time in my classroom. It would also be nice to read to kids (probably mostly girls) from ages 3-8ish. (1), it turns out that they were hiding. The pictures were silly and funny. I was happy that the monkeys were hiding and not eaten by the crocodile. Perfect for a younger classroom. I use the hand motions when I use this in my preschool classroom. (1), Board book/picture book: Firefighter Ted was about fire saftey and an adoriable Bear who is a firefighter. It had simple illustrations that fit well with the text. My younger child liked it because it was directed at younger children. A great little book (1), they still love and hug their moms. I loved the sweetness of it as well as the good message that you are never too tough to still hug your mom. I could use this in a classroom when we talk about different jobs or roles that we have in the world. (1), Myth/picture book: Anansi falls into trouble. It takes all 6 of his sons to save him. Great book about teamwork and individual qualities! It was another must buy book. I remember hearing the Anansi story when I was in first grade. I would love to share th (1), Fairytale/ picture book: A faithful retelling of the original Brother's Grimm fairytale. Beautiful and detailed illustrations. She added a romantic mysterious tones in her illustrations that helped add so much more depth to the well known story. Classics (1), Picture book: A book based on the song. It had great colorful pictures that fit well with the well known lyrics/words. This is a cute story that would be great in an early childhood class room. It is giving a concrete version of a well known classic song. (1), Graphic novel: Astro had to team with a robot hating detective to catch thieves who have stolen the artificial sun. Another storyline was Astro trying to convince a confused robot to not participate in an evil plot to steal minerals from an island. I enjo (1), Novel- early chapter book: A book of stories by Roald Dahl. The stories were all from his own life and childhood. This book had me giggling and snickering throughout the book. I would be sure to encourage high spirited youngsters to pick this up. I bought (1), Novel:classic: King Shahryar kills a new wife every morning before she can stop loving him. His new bride has a clever plan to save herself...telling nightly stories of Sinbad the Sailor and Ali Baba. The king keeps postponing Shahrazad's execution again (1), and it is a hit! (1), castles and a faraway land. It was another beautiful story by David Wiesner. I like this book because there are no words and you need to make up your own ideas for what it happening in the story. Children can enjoy this without needing to "read" it. I use (1), picture book: a little boy falls asleep and dreams about dragons (1), this story is told mostly by the lovely illustrations. Flying frogs on lily pads while people sleep on Tuesday night. I use this in my preschool class. We talk about possible and impossible as well as making up our own story of what is happening in the st (1), picture book: with few words (1), picture book: Peter enjoys a day in the snow. I was read this story when I was young. I love snow so I always related to this story of Peter wishing the snow would stay. I would read this to younger kids and talk about senses and things we love. (1), indivaduality and uniqueness. (1), are a must in classrooms. It may not be possible to read them all to your students (1), but he loved it. Flying dragons and vikings and monsters...all a boy could ask for. I could see using this in an elementary school classroom and teaching catorigizing (in the book it was with dragons) as well as discussing independence (1), novel: This was an adorable book! An unlikely hero having to prove himself not only to his father but to his whole viking tribe. I loved this book! It became my nightly story with my 5 year old and I. I thought it might be too high for his age (1), Novel: Crispin was a poor boy who was forced into running away from his town because he was wrongly accused of theft. Along the way he befriends another and they eventualy clear Crispin's name as well as find out who Crispin really is. I thought it was a (1), this boy eventually learns about his talent as well as helps a toy maker rediscover himself. Hands down a wonderful book. I would greatly encourage older elementary kids and middle schoolers to dive into this. It shows that a story isn't always reading wo (1), learns that he has an amazing connection to a toy maker. Living in the walls of the train station (1), Novel: This story was mostly told by illustrations. Wonderful and detailed illustrations! A boy who was orphaned and his uncle then left him (1), Graphic Novel: A twist on the classic tale of Hansel and Gretel. I loved the dark comic portrayal of this story. It was easier to read and easy to enjoy because of its many comic strip like illustrations and easy text. It was a great mix of originality wi (1), it is about animal sounds. I love it just as much as Brown Bear. Creatively done. It is in my library of owned books. This is a great book for pre k and younger. (1), but I would pick a few like this one. (1), but my kids liked it so I read it a few times. I also read this to my preschool class. We use hand motions to act it out. The children love it! (1), Picture book: 5 little pumpkins sitting on a gate. Simply cute pictures that went well with this rhyming poem. I bought the book to add to my halloween collection. Good for younger kids. This would be good for a pre kindergarten class. It is good for coun (1), his family (1), Picture book: This is another book that I went out to buy because I loved it so much. The little mouse wants to keep a huge strawberry from the big hungry bear. He dresses it up (1), Picture book: Anabel is supposed to make a dress for the princess (1), Picture/ board book: This very busy little spider spins her web as the farm animals ask her to join them (1), Infomational/ religion: This book it told through the eyes of a young Buddhist. He talks about his beliefs (1), Little Darkness (1), Picture book/ Myth: The Myth/ Folktale from Native Alaska about Raven stealing the sun and his son (1), so the book was cute to read to them. The pictures were nothing big (1), Board/ picture book: Using your imagination to figure out what a cloud in the sky looks like. I like playing this game with my kids (1), Picture book: This little old lady had pieces of clothing following her through the woods. The clothes turn into a scarecrow and the old lady finds something else for them to scare. The book is repetitive and good for young children. My daughter loved doi (1), Picture book: Funny illustrations that worked very well with the story line in the book. Based on the song (1), Myth/ picture book: A fantastic story of Mother Earth needing mud to make the earth (1), buries it (1), Picture book: These characters are going on a bear hunt and need to make it through a few obsticles along the way. I thought the illustrations were okay but my kids liked the story. This book was not my favorite. I found it a little boring (1), but at the end of the day (1), Picture book: My son picked out this book because it had firefighters in it. It was about firefighters and what they do (1), the little monkeys disappear one by one after the crocodile snaps at them. In the end (1), Picture book: This is a spin off of the song '5 little Monkeys swinging from a tree.' In this book (1), picture book: this little girl loves pink. After eating too many pink cupcakes (1), I believe (1), but cannot rest until she finds the perfect bed for the hobbledy-gob (1), and how every animal has an intended purpose (1), Picture book: This was a funny book that matches the song. The illustrations were funny. The poor meatball rolled all over after somebody sneezed. I always liked this book. My grandfather used to read it to me and now I read it to my kids. This would be a (1), Picture book: This is a new favorite of mine. I found this at Powell's bookstore and I fell in love. This odd looking pumpkin is cast out and made fun of because he is not like the other pumpkins. He finds out why he is different and he is happy to know w (1), Picture book: This little mouse had a big appetite. He eats a variety of foods for lunch. I loved the artwork in this book. Very colorful and made the foods appetizing. Some foods in the book were foods that children may shy away from. I could use this in (1), Picture book: The artwork reminds me of patchwork. The story of preparing a feast and more people show up for the dinner. I was not interested in this book. I think the message was good but I was bored reading it. I could use it in a classroom for countin (1), I change that while I am reading it to say 'perhaps she'll cry'. (1), this book was a funny visual of this old lady swallowing animals. This is still one of my favorite books to share with my kids. This would be a fun and silly for a classroom read. Some versions say 'perhaps she'll die' (1), and even tries to lock it up in order to keep it safe. Funny and cute illustrations as well as a fun story. This is a good book to promote a little bit of thinking. Who is writing the story? What else could you do to hide the strawberry? I read this book (1), clap" in the book. Simple illustrations but cute story. I use this in my preschool classroom. The repetition for younger kids as well as teaching to stand up to the things that scare you. (1), Picture book: This book builds and dismantles a monster step by step and teaches kids not to be afraid of this monster. I loved reading this book to my kids. They say they are not afraid of monsters now because they know they can just tell it to go away. (1), Concept/Picture book: Another book by Emberley. This one talks about emotions in a fun way. The pages folded out to add a bit more flare to the emotions. It was another great book by Emberley. I use this with emotion mask props in my classroom. I love how (1), Concept/ picture book: simple and educational book teaches colors and different animals. A favorite and popular book in preschools. It is a must have for and household. I would use this for early age kids as in early childhood. It teaches colors and anima (1), even pesky mosquitoes and crows. More incredible art and Indian legend from Goble. Vibrant pages to go with this creative Plain's Indian myth. (1), but seh is too busy. I love the pictures in Carle's books. It was a cute pro spider story that shows the hard work and beauty in a spiders web. I do use this in my classroom as a weekly lesson book. The kids like the repetition and seeing the hard work a (1), but probably not use it as a lesson book. I would most likely use it at a storytime. (1), Concept/ picture book: My nightly read to my daughter. She loves this classic bedtime book. Every other page is black and white and the others are color. A sweet bedtime story of saying goodnight to things and objects before bed. I would have this in my c (1), thus showing a different and funny version. (1), Picture book: Based on the 'Wheels On The Bus' this is a similar story of zoo animals riding the bus. The pictures were simple and colorful and the text was nice but not original. This is not one I would buy but I would borrow it from the library from tim (1), just white on blue but a cute story all together. This would be a good book to lead to an art project. I would have children make their own spilt milk picture and we could imagine what our pictures look like. A good book in helping use imiganation. (1), ABC picture book: 'A told B and B told C "I'll beat you to the top of the coconut tree." This is a top three book for me. It is easy to read and it tells about the alphabet letters racing up a coconut tree. The pictures are simple yet cute. I would use th (1), Brown Bear. Instead of being about colors (1), Board book/ picture book: This is very much like Brown Bear (1), Early chapter novel: Fudge is a trouble maker but seems to be up staged by his cousin...mini-Fudge. This story was great to depict family dynamics and sibling rivalry. Anyone with siblings can relate! I bought this book for my classroom library but I know (1)
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Oct 4, 2010

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