
bookshelf (608), TBR (539), cozy (514), bb (400), Kindle (372), kindle (320), CD (229), Bookshelf (198), read (190), lendable (170), Library (112), signed (98), 2020 (93), 2023 (93), 2022 (84), donated (75), 2014 (73), 2004 (69), xmas (69), 2015 (65), #FR (61), mc (61), 2016 (60), 2013 (59), 2019 (59), sbg (59), 2012 (58), 2021 (56), 2007 (54), 2008 (54), 2011 (53), SF (52), 2018 (49), 2017 (49), COZY (48), 2024 (47), 2009 (47), 2010 (47), 2005 (44), donated (LFL) (43), 2006 (41), nyy (39), mem (37), bb/f (36), Hawaii (35), 2003 (31), HCL (30), Hol (29), Donated (27), cookbook (26), favorite (25), SBG (24), jrob (24), KU (23), NYY (19), bbf (19), library (18), prime (17), bio (17), Xmas (17), oppb (16), ❤️ (15), vet (14), DNF (13), ump (13), 0624 (11), 0723 (11), 1122 (11), 0323 (11), GR (10), 0524 (10), * (10), shared (9), 1223 (9), Cozy (9), 1222 (9), 1023 (8), donated harborside (8), Read (8), 822 (8), 0623 (8), 0523 (8), BCO (8), LVO (7), 1022 (7), 1123 (7), 0923 (7), 0324 (7), 0123 (7), 0424 (6), 0823 (6), sf (6), swap (5), 0423 (5), 0223 (5), write (5), LVHoopla (5), Prime kindle (5), 0724 (5), 0124 (5), 922 (5), librarykindle (5), blue (5), novelty (4), Jeff (4), Baseball (4), HF (4), BOOKSHELF (3), gr (3), HPL (3), Swap (3), ITW (3), BB (3), 0224 (3), NM (2), BCL (2), KINDLE (2), bay (2), Louisiana (2), purchase (2), (oppb) (2), napa (2), Prime (2), Bbf (2), 68 (2), FL (2), blank (2), Robert Parsons (2), #11 (2), play (2), donated (library) (1), signed (98) (1), signed (97) (1), PangoBooks (1), ( oppb) (1), Received 3/29 (1), tyler leopold (1), (swap) (1), intro xx (1), prime first (1), Donated (LFL) (1), set 1-5 (1), p 70 (1), bookfunnel (1), p 266 (1), 1123#FR (1), dup (1), ch8 (1), Mexico (1), short story (1), novella (1), inscribed (1), coffeetable (1), myst (1), hawaii (1), household (1), hf (1), ebook (1), #1 (1), hoopla (1), favorites (1), #2 (1), YA (1), p126 (1), sbg(big read) (1), gift from author (1), Christmas gift from Joyce 2002 (1), sbg(banned book) (1), Signed (1), Mom (1), BN (1), Vet (1), Ebook (1), Silicon Valley (1), CT (1), Bb (1), BIG READ (1), SJPL (1), signed (96) (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Jun 29, 2007
Informazione su di me
"A house without books is like a room without windows."- Horace Mann

"Lead me not into temptation... especially bookstores."-Unknown

Toes in sand, Nose in book,Life is sweet

Books: The Original Search Engine

My home is where my books are.

Bookcases:if you build them they will fill.

He who lends a book is an idiot. He who returns the book is more of an idiot. annoymous Arabic proverb

"Whenever I begin reading a new book, I am embarking on a new unchartered journey with an unmarked destination. I never know where a particular book will take me , toward what other books I will be led." Nancy Pearl

"Your library is your paradise." Desiderius Erasmus

"Perhaps no place in any community is so totally democratic as the town library. The only entrance requirement is interest." Lady Bird Johnson

"Reading a book would only be boring if you lack imagination."
Nutmeg State

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