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La mia biblioteca
I have everything from Parnormal to Romance and even so true storys and Mystrys.
Informazione su di me
I'm a reader. I like Parnormal, Mystry, Romance. I will read a book if it catches my eye. If it's a good story I want to read it. My saying is there isn't enough time in my life to read all the books out there. I have a book in my hand at all times or if I'm busy doing my Cross stitching I am listing to a book. I'd rather read or listen to a book then watch TV. I told my husband that if we were ever blessed with being rich I'd have the biggest colection of books around. I own a Kindle just so that I can have a book with me. I owe my joy of books to my reading teacher in grade school. I had a reading problem as a child and she showed me a whole new world through books. So as an adult I support all reading programs in our schools. Reading is a way to visit places you'll get to see.
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