
Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Dec 18, 2023
Nome vero
Ted Olson
Informazione su di me

I spent my career copywriting for one of the best companies in Salt Lake City. I wrote for clients such as American Express, Dow Chemical, Bank of America, Texas Instruments, Coca Cola, Saturn, Burlington Northern Santa Fe, and Johnson Matthey—plus many others. But after 31 years, we decided it was time to part ways, and in 2020 I launched Story Road, my developmental editing and consulting company. Now I'm helping others polish their manuscripts and writing my own stories. I've self-published one novel, Cape Wrath. I'm working on another historical novel—a retrospective work that moves from the First World War to the early '70s. I've earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Communication from the University of Utah, and a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from Pacific Lutheran University. When I'm not writing or editing, I'm playing the bagpipes or the trumpet, or I'm messing around with my grandkids. Gotta do more fly fishing.

Centerville, Utah
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