
Dec 4, 2012
Nome vero
Stephen Jennison-Smith
La mia biblioteca
Mainly my books from the Arth series and samples of other peoples books and a few classics. My normal library, of graphic novels, bible books and reference books, is dwarfed by my wife's library of over 10,000 books.
Informazione su di me
This is my profile.
Does a pro file mean I have a professional file?
I do not feel very professional. I do have a file though, in the shed in a toolbox. It is not the box where I should live, according to my mother-in-law (she thinks I'm a tool). Now if I was Peter O'Toole then maybe we would be getting somewhere. For us to be getting somewhere surely you should be travelling with me? You can if you read my 'Hilarious' (some say) books.

I have written 13 and 2 half books so far, and the role playing game Victorian Adventure. The Crying Pennant was published by Haford leisure in 1996 and was online for 2 years. The book is humorous and parodies D&D and Lord of the rings and fantasy in general. I decided to write the sequel based in the science fiction dimension, then another and have now finished the seventh in the series. There are other collections of stories based in the Arth universe that you can look out for. My flash fiction is on Wattpad, you can find short stories and flash fiction there as well as works in progress. (stephenjennisonsmith)

Kendra is a Christian fantasy about a Nephilim, a half angel, who lives in the Bosom of Abraham and travels to the earth. I am about two thirds of the way through the sequel which is called 'The 24'.

Most needed item for Christmas 2012 is a wind up toothbrush :)
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