
Jun 29, 2011
Nome vero
Anne Vergara
La mia biblioteca
Eclectic escapism, but I love reading:

1. biographies of strong women role models (Anne Frank, Debbie Reynolds, Audrey Hepburn, Goldie Hawn, etc. to name a few)
2. positively lunatic about the Regency period romances of Jillian Hunter, Barbara Metzger, Elizabeth Thornton,etc.(there's something about the extravagancy & attention to detail of it all, I guess)
3. gory murder investigative mysteries (Lawrence Sanders, Charlaine Harris, Laura Joh Rowland, Earl Stanley Gardner & of course, the Nancy Drew Mysteries)
4. scientific thriller-adventure books of James Rollins & Michael Crichton
5. food & travel lit (Ruth Reichl, Anthony Bourdain, Peter Mayle, Lonely Planet, Saveur magazines)
Informazione su di me
A gleek, a bookworm, a web surfer, a collector, a movie buff (esp.Robert Downey Jr's, Sandra Bullock's & Gwyneth Paltrow's bodies of work, Star Wars & old musicals), Harry Potter-mad & last but mot the least, a Mommy
Manila, Philippines