Nome vero
La mia biblioteca
Ok, wow, my library is all over the place. I have so many different types of books it's not even funny. I mean you'd think (if you knew me) that I'd have just one type of genre, but no I have romance, horror, fantasy, religion, ect. So you see I'm a complex person and not that easy to figure out (or so I like to think lol)
Informazione su di me
I'm seventeen and i read all the time. I'm open to all kinds of books, because I have learned (over and over) that you really can't judge a book by it's cover (or the things other people say, or what the synopsis says for that matter). I also write a lot, but I can never finish a story when I've started on it. I'm working on that though lol. So anyways that's about it I guess. I'm just the girl you spot in the crowd only because she's the one with the mysterious eyes with her nose always in a book...

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