Nome vero
Margaret Nadler
La mia biblioteca
I have collected fairytales and folk tales for 30+ years. I began reading Andrew Lang's Blue Fairytale book when I was about 8 years old. I went through all of his books: the Red, the Pink, the Green.... and now, we have 1st editions of these books and they are precious because they started me on my long adventure of collecting this genre of stories from all over the world. I have unusual ones...from Laos and Burma for example, as well as from most of the European and Scandinavian countries. more to come...
Informazione su di me
In my recent retirement I have tried my hand at long deferred desires, but I still read a novel or more a week. By definition, I am a Reader. Nothing else satisfies. A new friend from my new knitting group also is a Reader. Joy! So, we have decided to join a local reading group at Petunia's Place, which is a landmark children's bookstore in the Fresno area. If it does not meet our expectations, we will form our own circle, but we hope it does.

I live on a vineyard with my husband and we produce organic raisins. We have 2 grown children and 1 grandchild for for whom I went into knitting. The home is shared with one cat and outside we feed a rather large covey of quail and an indeterminate number of cottontail bunnies. On a clear day, I can see the Sierra Nevadas to the west and the Coastal Range to the east....but those days only come after rain.