
Abbey (18), sustainability (16), non-fic knitting (15), vogue on the go (11), ecology (10), nature (10), permaculture (8), Nabhan (8), Nearing (7), Michigan (5), Derrick Jensen (5), Mills (5), children (5), biotechnologies (5), food (5), social justice (5), gardens (4), education (4), compost (3), energy efficient (3), Tom Brown (3), simple homes (3), Thoreau (3), Starhawk (3), endangered food (2), Susan Gordon Lydon (2), slow food (2), problems (2), fic. knitting (2), place-based (2), mud (2), craft (2), civilization (2), Lake Superior (2), Gatto (2), local food (2), native am. agriculture (2), Kiko (2), UP (2), wild plant conservation (2), place-based education (2), tuscany (2), wine (2), spirituality (2), culture (2), american west (2), peace (2), MI (2), collapse (2), revolution (2), novel (1), gene logsdon (1), prickly pear cover (1), art (1), Nazi (1), indigenous food (1), Germany (1), art from earth (1), writing (1), preWWII (1), contrary farmer (1), farm cover (1), flower cover (1), eco-village (1), healing earth (1), raising chickens (1), HItler (1), outlaws (1), ecological ethic (1), sustainability village (1), earth (1), mycelium (1), non-fic crochet (1), non-fic. knitting (1), literature (1), schools (1), potions (1), David Holmgren (1), Bill Mollison (1), abuse (1), native food (1), council of all beings (1), homemade cheese (1), red wigglers (1), earth community (1), earth oven (1), mud oven (1), chicken tractor (1), history (1), women build (1), reading (1), fun things to make (1), money (1), empire (1), curriculum (1), handmade (1), north woods (1), worms (1), farmer's markets (1), non-fic (1), create (1), maple syrup (1), dulcimer (1), maple sugar (1), knitting (1), chickens (1), desert (1), Kingsolver (1), mushrooms (1), deep ecology (1), Colorado River (1), southwest (1), Alaska (1), eros (1), cultural diversity (1), lighthouses (1), eco design (1), earthworms (1), vermicompost (1), fiber (1), gardening (1), earth justice (1), essays (1), genetics (1), herbs (1), creativity (1), wilderness (1), farming (1), spells (1), cheese (1), cob (1), abbey (1), creative (1), music (1), bioregional (1), Charlevoix (1), canyon country (1), crafts (1), nature education (1), school (1), up north (1), US Ambassador (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Jul 20, 2008
Nome vero
La mia biblioteca
My library consists primarly of non-fiction(99.9%): gardening, herbs, permaculture/sustainability (all issues relating to), mystic/myth/shamanism/spiritual/goddess, knitting.

I rarely buy fiction prefering instead to check fiction out at my local public library.
Informazione su di me
Bibliophile, voracious reader, practice daily yoga, walk daily, knitter, wife, mother, grandmother, retired elementary school teacher
northern lower Michigan
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