
Jun 2, 2020
La mia biblioteca
Turn On Your Energy—-Overview
After decades of working with the electrical energy of clients I am happy to announce that I have created a free short book called— Turn On Your Energy. I have organized scientific information for people to understand how much they are impacted by the flow of electrical energy in and around them.
On a daily basis I have used the energy from my hands to experience how people are primarily electrical fields of energy and are sensitive and responsive to this flow of electrical energy. Through new scientific instruments, studies, and research I am able to show how the electrical signals from your: thoughts, diet, exercise, relationships, and your connections with the earth, either constrict or expand the flow of electrical energy in and through you.
My interactions with the body’s electrical energy fields have made me passionate about sharing how, through the simple use of hands and intentions, a relaxed body can be created— therefore a greater flow of electrical energy and cellular communication is obtained throughout the body.
You can take control of your health.
This book will help you: Identify and use ideas, situations, strategies, and techniques that can increase your electrical flow of energy. And it will demonstrate ways in which thoughts, feelings, diet, exercise, social interactions, and even your home’s electricity, either stimulate or inhibit your flow of energy.

As an Energy Medicine therapist, I realized amazing things happen when using one’s hands. I wanted to share this information with others by teaching a class called Hands-On Energy Medicine at UNLV’s Olli Institute. As my students became more excited about the class, and learning the importance of understanding that we are primarily electrical fields of energy, I set out to reach a larger audience by writing a book. As a first time author, I realized that I needed to write and give away a short prebook. So I created a free ebook called-Turn On Your Energy. I was happy with the sales. I was still working on The Energy To Thrive and passionate to get it to market.
Then, after years of research, reading, writing, and editing, I recently received an email from Amazon: Congratulations, your paperback, "The Energy To Thrive: Living a more dynamic and energized life with better health and energy," is available to buy on Amazon With this book, I am integrating, for the first time, the scientific research and experiments that explain: You are primarily electrical fields of energy. And, with this knowledge, you can take control of your well-being.
Becoming aware and sensitive to the electrical energy flowing in and through you is essential if you want to live a more dynamic and energized life.
After reading the book, if you know people who would benefit from reading it, please help spread the word.
Grieg de la Houssaye

The Energy To Thrive — https://www.amazon.com/dp/B088GGDQ6V?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860
Turn On Your Energytheenergytothrive.com
Informazione su di me
Grieg de la Houssaye is an experienced meditator and Energy Medicine Practitioner who has taught Hands-On Energy Medicine classes for the OLLI Institute at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas. With a Masters Degree in Philosophy from George Washington University, de la Houssaye has released a pre-book called, Turn On Your Energy and a main book called, The Energy to Thrive. As an energy medicine practitioner he works with client’s electrical signals and impulses through the use of light or not-touch therapies which open up blocked energy patterns, thereby igniting the body’s self-repair mechanisms.
de la Houssaye stresses to clients and readers that they too have the capacity to unblock their energies to improve their health and well-being. de la Houssaye dedicates himself to making sense of new scientific discoveries - proving everything is energy - and he freely shares this knowledge whenever he can.
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