
psychology (17), psychiatry (11), physics (10), spirituality (9), astrophysics (6), string theory (6), psychoanalysis (5), astronomy (5), cosmology (5), quantum mechanics (5), particle physics (5), metaphysics (5), philosophy (5), M-Theory (5), history (4), jesus (4), schizophrenia (4), neurology (4), cognitive neuroscience (4), solitude (4), neuroscience (4), psychiatric interviewing (3), schizoid (3), science (3), riemann (3), einstein (3), progressive christianity (3), christian spirituality (3), higher dimensions (3), branes (2), brain (2), hermits (2), introversion (2), time warps (2), alternative medicine (2), Oregon (2), Middle East (2), fashion (2), healing (2), mind control (2), biology (2), brainwashing (2), Arab (2), anthropology (2), Islam (2), Iraq (1), church history (1), chinese meridian theory (1), farming (1), animals in christianity (1), corsetry (1), Quantum Physics (1), theology of animal treatment (1), sensory defensiveness (1), out of body (1), reflexology (1), Quantum Mechanics (1), meridians (1), brain science (1), personality disorders (1), pacifism (1), cultural anthropology (1), shamanism (1), pacific northwest (1), DNA (1), hermit (1), Jordan (1), DMT (1), dimethyltryptamine (1), Saudi Arabia (1), homelessness (1), Siskiyou National Forest (1), chinese medicine (1), hiking Oregon (1), astral projection (1), Yemen (1), emerging church (1), love (1), unification (1), ayahuasca (1), Physics (1), alien abduction (1), quantum physics (1), neurosis (1), psychosis (1), parallel universes (1), peace (1), spirit (1), dark matter (1), genetics (1), autism (1), monks (1), law (1), poverty (1), activism (1), apocalypse (1), culture (1), god (1), christianity (1), time travel (1), narrative (1), consciousness (1), stars (1), schizoid personality (1), brains (1), chakras (1), sensory deprivation (1), NDE (1), fashion design (1), inflationary cosmology (1), entheogens (1), sustainable living (1), m-theory (1), spacetime (1), spiritual philosophy (1), meditation (1), hallucinogens (1), hiking (1), molecular biology (1), veganism (1), vegetarianism (1), health (1), relativity (1), cosmos (1), chemistry (1), animal rights (1), String Theory (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Dec 23, 2006
Nome vero
Eugene, Oregon; and Portland, Oregon
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("GreenOregonSoul"), MySpace, Xanga
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